1 Introduction
Economy of a multicultural region is susceptible to constant changes. Some changes have the stabilizing influence on the economy of a multicultural region and stimulate its growth and development. Other changes have the destabilizing and destructive influence on the economy of a multicultural region, slowing down its development and increasing the probability of its crisis. That’s why supporting high flexibility of state management of a multicultural region’s economy is very important for the modern science and practice. Complexity of solving this problem is caused by the fact that is should be solved with “soft” measures – recommendations, not requirements. This is due to the fact that the same changes – depending on the context (current tendencies and needs) – could have positive or negative influence on the region’s economy. That’s why the practice of monocultural regions that is connected to determining the negative changes and prohibiting than and determining the positive changes and stimulating them, as well as determining the limited list of contradictory changes and their flexible regulation, cannot be applied to multicultural regions. Prohibiting the negative changes at present (e. g., the measures of limitation of foreign investments) could reduce the region’s competitiveness (attractiveness) among multicultural regions (potential territories for placing investments). That’s why when the region feels a need for foreign investments, the possibilities of their attraction will be reduced even if the stimulating measures are introduced. Thus, there’s a need for restraint and strategic orientation during state management of a multicultural region’s economy.