September 9th 2019. To: Mayor Hiromichi Inomata, Kami Town. Events Leading Up to the Unfair Dismissal. Kobato Kindergarten ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 September 9th 2019 To: Mayor Hiromichi Inomata, Kami Town Events Leading Up to the Unfair Dismissal Kobato Kindergarten
A. I arrived in Japan on January 14th 2019 and soon after moving into the apartment, my upstairs neighbors started making a lot of noise that would start at about 5pm and continue until 3 to 4am in the morning. Though they have children and children tend to make a lot of noise, it does not explain the dropping of heavy objects that sounded like a sofa or table from about 11pm at night until 4am in the morning. The noise was so bad that several times I caught Mrs. Reiko Kimura (the wife of the apartment) sleeping outside in her car. In February, I asked my boss, Mrs. Akiko Nakamura if she could find me another apartment, but she said she couldn’t and that I would have to deal with it.
B. In March, two weeks before I started working, I went to Kobato Kindergarten to speak with Mrs. Nakamura. Later that day, she came to my apartment and asked me not to come to the school before April 1st 2019, because she didn’t want to aggravate the Japanese teachers. During our discussions she told me the Japanese teachers who had been working there, prior to her taking over as Encho sensei was against the English program. In so many words, she felt they did not like change because they were very traditional. She had hired a teacher named Chevy sensei the year before to start the English program, but because of the resistance from the teachers Chevy sensei become more of an assistant to the Japanese teachers than an English teacher. So, because of this resistance, she did not want me anywhere near the school or even speaking with the teachers until training day and April 1st 2019.
C. March 18 and 19 2019 - Training for the new English program called GrapeSEED took place in Grape City, Sendai for two full days. The new entry level teachers hired for the new program was Misae sensei, Haruna sensei, Pari sensei and me along with Chevy sensei. Pari sensei was set to arrive in May from Iran.
D. April 1st 2019 - School officially began, but for the first week of April was a school holiday, so I was told by Encho sensei I did not have to come into work.
E. April 3rd and 4th 2019 - Encho sensei designated a room as the English teaching room and it had to be decorated by the English teachers. So, I went to work to get an early start. When I went in on April 4th 2019, I was asked to leave by Encho sensei, because I had used construction paper, scissors, and an eraser from the Japanese teacher’s room without asking. This was true, but when I arrived, no one was there who I could ask, so I just started working. I apologized for upsetting the teachers and left.
F. April 8th 2019 - This was the official day of work. Based on the English teachers’ schedule, I was the only one with enough free time to decorate the classroom. All the supplies were in the Japanese teachers room. When I would enter, I would say hello, but all the teachers seemed slow to speak. In this week, I was asked by Encho sensei not to go into the Japanese teacher’s room, because the Japanese teachers did not feel comfortable with my presence. When I asked Encho sensei why, she explained they did not like the English program and therefore, were reluctant to welcome me into their working space. I was also asked to remove the English “Welcome” sign I had made from outside the door to inside the classroom for the same reason. She said it would take some time for them to accept the English program.
She gave me money to buy my own supplies, but I still needed to go into the Japanese teacher’s room, because the copier was located there as well as access to the kitchen.
When I asked about a desk as all the teachers seemed to have one except for me, I was told Haruna sensei and Chevy sensei would have desks in the Japanese teachers room, but I would not, because there weren’t enough of them. Misae sensei would be allowed to use other teachers’ desks when they were not using them, but I would not be given the same courtesy. So, I asked Encho sensei if the school could buy me a desk. She agreed and it would be placed in the classroom for the English teachers. She would also purchase two more desks for Misae sensei and Pari sensei. All 3 desks would be placed in the English teaching classroom. The point of this is to say that all teachers were welcomed into the Japanese teacher’s room except for me, but I never complained. I just explained to Encho sensei that it would be very hard for me to decorate the classroom without access to the Japanese teacher’s room. She agreed and after she spoke to the Japanese teachers, they gave me breathing room. After about a week or so, everyone seemed a little more welcoming.
G. April 11th 2019 - I taught the first day of classes using the old English program to the kindergarten students. The lessons were going well and I started to feel warmth and a bit more acceptance from the Japanese teachers who had been there for some time, but then I started to feel some negative energy from all the English teachers, but more from Chevy sensei than anyone else.
H. The week of April 14th 2019 - At the beginning of this week Chevy sensei tried bumping into me and on three occasions she succeeded. However, I continued to be nice and I never told Encho sensei (Mrs. Akiko Nakamura), because there was enough tension in the air already, I did not want to make matters worse.
I. April 17th 2019 - The English teachers were introduced to the parents at the Welcoming Ceremony for the kindergarten students.
J. April 19th 2019 - Encho sensei told me that the other teachers were jealous of me, after I told her ( for the first time) I felt negative energy from Haruna sensei. I decided to make a small comment about what I was feeling, because the more I seemed to stay silent about the negative feelings I was getting from my co-workers, the harder they pushed to make me react.
K. The week of April 21st 2019 - All the English teachers (Chevy sensei, Misae sensei, and Haruna sensei) started using the word “monkey” in my presence a lot. Though the kids songs include songs like Ten Little Monkey, it was not a song that Misae sensei needed to learn, though she often played and when she was certain I heard it, she would stop playing it. Haruna sensei seemed to support her efforts. Chevy sensei would leave a stuff animal of a monkey near where I sat. Even, the sweet little kids were being told to call me a monkey. It was definitely happening and for two weeks I never addressed the bumping into me or the efforts to dehumanize me, though on one occasion I grabbed Chevy sensei’s arm to keep her from bumping into me a third time.
L. April 25th 2019 - Before going home for the day, I told Encho sensei that I wanted to quit, because I didn’t feel welcomed. She told me that I should not because she thought I was good for the school. Before I made a final decision, she wanted to have a discussion with me. When I got home, I sent her an e-mail telling her that I would stay as long as she wanted me to, until she found another teacher to replace me, but I never quit.
M. April 26th 2019 - I came back after running a school errand to find Haruna sensei, Chevy sensei, and Misae sensei standing in my path, so that I could not get to the table where I was sitting. By this date, I had completely moved myself from the table where we all sat, because I felt bad intentions from all of them. When I saw them trying to block my path, I continued on my way walking through the barricade without touching any of them. This made them angry and seconds later, I called them evil and an argument occurred between Chevy sensei and myself. In this argument, I accused her of bumping into which she completely denied by saying, “I have never bumped into you. ” The cameras in the building and all the rooms would prove this.
At the end of the day, I was asked not to attend the Welcoming Ceremony for the parents of the elementary kids who would start the English program on May 7th 2019, the first day of school after Golden Week. I was sick and told Encho sensei in an e-mail I sent that week that I would attend though I did not feel well. Well, on this day, she asked me not to come, because she needed my high motivation for the kids and parents. Even though she told me this, I felt she did not want me there because of what happened earlier that day. I insisted on attending the ceremony, but only for the first 10 minutes allotted for introducing the teachers to the parents. The cameras in the building and classrooms prove this.
In addition to this, she asked me if my decision to leave the school was final and I told her no.
N. April 27th 2019 - I attended the Welcoming Ceremony for 10 minutes, but before I left, Encho sensei wanted to talk to me. Without my saying anything about it, she wanted me to know that Chevy sensei did not bump into me intentionally. So, I asked her if she remembered telling me that she felt the other teachers were jealous of me. I continued by asking her how could she be so sure Chevy sensei had not bumped into me intentionally, when she was not there to witness it? I continued by saying that jealousy would be reason enough to support my claim.
O. May 2nd 2019 and May 8th 2019 - I received e-mails from Encho sensei asking me to stay at home for the entire week of the 5th of May. I stayed at home on May 7th 2019, because Encho sensei led me to believe English classes would not begin that day. However, after feeling suspicious that Encho sensei was trying to slowly force me out of the school, I went to work on the day. Initially, she did not want me to leave, but I think the opinions of others changed her mind.
P. May 8th 2019 - Encho sensei told me that the other three teachers were afraid of me and that she needed to get advice from a union specialist and lawyer. How did wanting me to stay turn to wanting to seek legal advice so quickly? At that point, I asked her if it was OK for me to contact a union as well. I also wanted to know why I was being asked to stay at home, when the other teachers weren’t asked to do the same thing. She asked if I remembered April 26th 2019 and how abnormal my behavior was on this day. It felt as if this one incident was being used to justify asking me to stay at home. I understood the amount of pressure that Encho sensei was under, so I left and went back to my apartment at her request, but because I felt uneasy with my decision to this, I called a union in Tokyo. They told me to go back to work, because if I did not, the school could easily say I quit. I was told to report to work and give a letter stating that I had not quit my job, until I was returned to my regular work duties.
Q. May 10th 2019 - The noise from my upstairs neighbors intensified. It was every night and it seemed to worsen as the problems with Kobato worsened. Feeling as if I had no support from Encho sensei, I decided to talk to my neighbors about what they were doing to keep me up late at night. I did so in a very calm manner. Experiencing extreme sleep deprivation, I went back to my apartment and called the police to let them know about the problem. On the phone, the police asked me if they could call my boss and I told them no. I should also mention that I never told them where I worked either. I told them that I only wanted to report the problem with the noisy neighbors, but I did not want them to talk to my neighbors yet. I told them that if my neighbors continued, then I would ask the police to speak with them. After about 10 minutes or so, the police showed up at the door with Encho sensei. As they spoke, Encho sensei seemed quite pleased to be there with them. When I inquired as to why they called her to serve as the translator, they basically said it was procedure, but I told them that I did not want my boss or school involved in this matter. After making an inquiry to the Miyagi Police Headquarters, I was told that getting Encho sensei to serve as the translator was not procedure as the police department has its own translators. So, basically, the police involvement and the school’s connection to the problems with my neighbors was not caused by me. I was trying to settle the problem without involving Encho sensei.
In addition to this, some people in the community were not treating me well either. I’ve already touched on this in the first e-mail I sent to your office. I have never presented myself as that kind of a woman to anyone here. As for people in general, though some have tried to mimic my experiences at Kobato Kindergarten by intentionally trying to bump into me as well as other things, others have tried to show me kindness for which I am most appreciative and thankful.
R. May 11th 2019 - I went to the police station to explain in more detail about what I was experiencing, because I did not want to go into detail in Encho sensei’s presence. In front of her I only talked about the noise, but I did not discuss the other problem I was experiencing with my neighbors. Without going into detail, something coming from my upstairs neighbor’s apartment was giving me the following symptoms: rapid heart rate, vomitting, muscle fatigue, and disorientation. Each day, my health continues to deteriorate because of this and I do not have the financial means to move.
S. From May 9th 2019 - June 7th 2019, I was not allowed to teach. I just went to school and sat all day. Every day, I submitted letters to Encho sensei asking for work as I had not quit my job and every day, she denied my request. I also made an audio recording of my giving her these letters as proof that she verbally accepted them. It was very clear starting from April 26th 2019 that I did not quick my job.
T. May 12th 2019 - Encho sensei tells me that she does not want to expel me from the school and she wishes to arrange a discussion where we (the teachers) could talk about the problems. This discussion was never arranged and never occurred.
U. May 24th 2019 - Encho sensei decided to give me the work rules for the first time.
V. May 31st 2019 - Encho sensei asked me to sign showing that I had seen the work rules. However, I did not give her my signature, because I hadn't read them through completely and I couldn't give a signature without sitting down with the other teachers first to see if they had also seen and agreed with them.
W. June 3rd 2019 - At the end of the work day, Encho sensei gave me a dismissal letter and told me I had to vacate the apartment by July 3rd 2019 as my visa would be revoked at that time. She also tried to give me one month’s salary. I rejected the dismissal and continued to show for work. However, on June 7th 2019, she sent me the one month’s salary which was not the full salary by post.
X. June 4th 2019 - I gave her a letter rejecting the dismissal and requesting work. I was allowed in the building for this week. One of the reasons mentioned in the letter of dismissal was the following:
1. Making troubles with neighbors that lost the reputation of the school, which is against ENPLOYMENT AGREEMENT 9 (f), WORK RULES Article14(4). The policemen came to school for interviews to hear what happened around school after the incident with neighbors. The neighbors are complaining that it is so scary to live next door. It is no suitable, nor right as a kindergarten teacher who cares little children.
Y. June 10th 2019 - When I tried to enter the school, I was told I could not and the police were called. At this point, Encho sensei told me to go back to America. I waited for police and when it became apparent they could not understand me, I left. After about 10 minutes, they showed up at my door wanting my side of the story. Using their phone translator, I told them I was there to appeal for my right to work. They suggested I get a lawyer.
Z. July 9th 2019 - I went to the Kami Police Station and asked police officers if they went to Kobato Kindergarten to do an interview about me. I asked them if they spoke to Encho sensei, teachers, and staff about me. They told me that had never gone to Kobato Kindergarten to do an interview about me. The only time they were at Kobato Kindergarten concerning me was on June 10th 2019, when they were called to ask me to leave the school.
The following is what I think happened:
Mrs. Nakamura wanted me as a teacher for Kobato Kindergarten, but was met with objection by others. In order to keep a good relationship with those who objected to my presence, she was not always kind to me in their presence. As a result of not having her full support coupled with being bullied from the other English teachers, I had thoughts of quitting. However, I did not, but when the other teachers heard about it, they used it to their advantage to get me out of the school. All three threatened to leave if I stayed which put Encho sensei in a difficult position. As she stated on May 8th 2019, she would rather lose one teacher than three. All teaching responsibilities were taken from me as I was no longer allowed to teach, in order to make me feel even more unwelcomed, but I got up every day, went to work, asked for work that was not given, and sat doing nothing from the time I arrived until the time I left from May 8th 2019 to June 7th 2019. When it was clear I was not going to stop going to work, false reasons for dismissal were created to justify terminating my employment contract. The problem created by my upstairs neighbors was used to support false claims.
Presently, I am without the means to take care of myself as finding employment has been difficult. In July 2019, I was hired to work for a company in Nagoya, but I couldn’t take the job, because I did not have the financial means to travel there to sign the employment contract though I explained this to the person who hired me. On August 19th 2019, I was hired by a company in Ibaraki, but the company retracted the offer when I asked them to change the contract period from September 2019 - March 2020 to three years as stated in their job advertisement. I feel as though no one really wants to give me a real chance to succeed. Though Mrs. Nakamura wanted to give me that chance, it was halted by the English teachers threat to quit if I stayed. It seems as if I am being brought into companies under the stipulation of harsh treatment. How can anyone succeed, when not truly given a fair chance?
It seems unethical, unlawful, and inhumane to leave someone in financial distress without the means to support themselves, based on false allegations. Even now, I do not have bad feelings in my HEART for Mrs. Nakamura, because I really do not think this is truly coming from her. In fact, I do not think anyone is being truly who they are.
When I came to work for Kobato Kindergarten, I came to work hard which is what I did every day I was allowed to work and I was quite harmonious with my co-workers until they began attempting to dehumanize me.
At the end of the day, we are all GOD’s children and must be treated as such.
On August 23rd 2019, this letter was sent by e-mail to Kami Town Hall.
On August 27th 2019, I spoke with one of your assistance at the Kami Town Hall and was told there nothing the town hall could do, because Kobato Kindergarten is a private company. I was asked to try not to fix the problem with Kobato Kindergarten and just focus on finding another job to which I agreed, but there is a force that does not want me to move forward. How can I when I don’t have enough money for food? My family has been supporting me with this, but they don’t have the money either.
I have attached a request letter to meet with you. This will be my second request as I believe as mayor of this town, you can do something to help me.
Sharmeen D. Jones