EVENT PROPOSAL. Bronner Brothers Hair Expo ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 EVENT PROPOSAL Atlanta, GA- Saturday-Sunday, February 18th -19th Bronner Brothers Hair Expo FOR: Steve Walker, Regena Thomas, Kimberly Marcus and Rosemary Enobakhare
DATE: February 18th- 19th, 2012
LENGTH: 2 Day Hair Expo
SIZE: 5, 000-10, 000 African Americans from across the country that are influential in the hair industry
PURPOSE: The Bronner Brothers hair expo attracts between 5, 000 to 10, 000 men and women, with a large percentage represented in the African American and LGBT community. These men and women come to the show for educational and informational purposes and are more receptive to receiving knowledgeable information from organizations/entities. We will actively promote the campaigns Barbershop and Beauty shop program. The goal would be to identify 500 volunteers or 10 % of the attendees. The Gay pride organization will provide the volunteer base to execute our plan during the expo. OFA Georgia would not be asked to participate unless they want to sell Obama merchandise.
EVENT BACKGROUND: The Bronner Brothers International Hair Show brings together close to 5, 000 to 10, 000 men and women from various backgrounds-beauty, politics, entertainment, etc. The show has been in existence since 1947 and has attracted many well renowned speakers including Jackie Robinson, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Dr. Benjamin Mays. The show exposes delegates to the world of beauty through hands-on-classes, creative presentations and a very energetic trade floor, and upcoming technology. GOAL: · Sign attendees up for the Barbershop Beauty shop program · Distribute Administration Accomplishments · Collect Information by having attendees fill out “I’m In” Cards · Identify speaking opportunities Budget: · Table: $2000. 00 · Registrations: $600. 00 $500. 00 · Travel: $179. 00 flight (4 staffers) $712. 00 · Lodging: $74. 00 a night (4 staffers) $888. 00 · Rental Car: 44. 64 (4 days) $300. 00 (including insurance) · Total: $5, 000. 00 Registration breakdown: One day Registration $30. 00(10 volunteers) =$300. 00(2 days) = $600. 00 Staff Unlimited Access: 125. 00 (4 staff members) = $500. 00
· Obama African American Accomplishment cards · I’m In Cards · Beauty shop and Barbershop Sign-up sheets · Obama Merchandise (optional if OFA wants to sell merchandise)
NOTE: Regena Thomas recommends Marvin Turner attends this event.