


Случайная статья

4.А.В чем разница между двумя предложениями с грамматической точки зрения?

4. А. В чем разница между двумя предложениями с грамматической точки зрения?

Experience shows this strategy to produce better results than more traditional algorithms. Experience shows this strategy to have produced better results than more traditional algorithms.

4Б. Дайте перевод предложений. Как отражается в переводе выявленное грамматическое различие?

4В. Переведитепредложения:

1 Fishburn is reported to have reviewed twenty-four methods for estimating the parameters.

2 The conditions seem to have been poorly chosen.

3 Over the past few years, Apple is said to have discussed various potential TV services with content and cable companies.

4 Apple is estimated to have sold somewhere between 10. 5 million and 14 million Apple Watches.

5 Apple is reported to have invested as much as US$10 billion in an iCar.

5. Найдите Complex Object|Complex Subject, переведитена русский язык:

If you own an Apple Watch, you probably really like it. Apple is estimated to have sold somewhere between 10. 5 million and 14 million Apple Watches in the nine months it was available in 2015.

A KGI analyst expects sales of the device to decline in 2016 (despite three extra months of sales) due to his sources indicating the next model will only provide internal improvements similar to an S-cycle update for iPhone.

But Apple is unlikely to cut its price much more after it announces the new device. The price cut for the current Apple Watch came about one year after its release, which is the same cycle for its other devices. As such, the new Apple Watch models will likely be priced the same as the original Apple Watch prices.


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