Terms.. Books recommended ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 Terms. 1. Neuron -the physiological unit of the nervous system. 2. Axon-nerve fiber: single process carrying the impulses from the neuron body. 3. Dendrite-a relatively short, highly branched neural fiber that carries electrical activity to the body of the neuron 4. Synapse - contact of a nerve cell and another cell (nervous, muscular, secretory). 5. Reflex - the response reaction to different stimuli performed via the nervous system. 6. Reflex arc - a chain of neurons along which a pulse passes, it provides a reflex 7. Nervous center - a cluster of neurons that regulates the function of an organ or system 8. Excitation in the nerve center - the generation of action potentials (impalses) in it. 9. Inhibition in the nerve center - suppression of excitation in it 10. Reflex time - the interval between the application of a stimulus and the beginning of the reflex. 11. Action potential - change of voltage on the nerve or muscular cell membrane due to passing charged particles via it (see depolarization, impalses). 12. Mediator ( neurotransmitter) - a substance that provides transmission of nerve impulses in the synapse. 13. The dominant is the nerve center, which inhibits the activity of other nerve centers. 14. Direct communication is the influence of the nerve center on an organ, or of a higher center on a lower one. 15. Feedback - signals from the organ come to the nerve center, or from the underlying center to the highest center. 16. The principle of the common final path - irritation of different receptive fields of the body causes the same reaction. 17. Receptor - the nerve ending or specialized cell perceiving irritation.
Books recommended 1. Ganong W. F. Review of Medical Physiology. 20th ed; McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2001. – P. 2. Guyton A. C., Hall J. E. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 12 thed; WB Saunders, 2008. -