III pair of CN (midle brain) muscle raising the upper eyelid preganglionic fiber
Practical work 2. Knee and Achilles reflexes in humans. For this work you need: neurologic malleus. Technique. The knee reflex is called in two ways: A. The subject sits, throwing his foot on his leg. By striking the hammer on the tendon of the quadriceps muscle of the femur, we stretch this muscle, which leads to its reflex reduction and extension of the shin. B. The examinee sits on a chair, stretching his legs bent at the knees in front of him, with his socks on one line. We call the knee reflex, as described above, on the right and left legs. Compare the magnitude of the reflex. To call the Achilles reflex, the subject must stand with his knees on the chair. By striking the malleus on the Achilles tendon, we cause the calf muscle to stretch, which leads to its reflex contraction and back folding of the foot. Results. Draw a scheme of reflex arcs of these reflexes, indicate the localization of nerve centers.
Conclusion: indicate from which receptors these reflexes arise, which neurons participate in the formation of reflex arches, the clinical significance of these reflexes.
Practical work 4. Reciprocal inhibition of motor reflex. For this work you need: reflexometer, carpal expander. Technique. Carry out a 10-time study of the time of motor reaction to sound for the right hand. Calculate the mean. Do the same with simultaneous dynamic work with your left hand. Calculate the mean. Results. Record the initial and test time of the motor reaction of the right hand to the sound. Draw a scheme of reciprocal inhibition in nerve centers. Conclusion. Give a characteristic of reciprocal inhibition and its mechanism.