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на тему: Формирование архитектурных решений трудовых творческих лагерей

по дисциплине: Концептуальное проектирование и исследованиеИиТА


Выполнила: студент гр. 9АМ01 Петрова Е. Э.

Проверил: Краснобаев И. В.



Казань, 2020



High-rise buildings, concrete walls, a sedentary lifestyle, an excess of asphalt and cars, have a negative impact on children living in cities. Air pollution, constant city noise, people flowing, multiplying construction sites, lead to sleep disturbance, impaired speech, and increased fatigue in the classroom. The environment of modern cities promotes physical inactivity, which often leads to growth retardation during child development and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The city is unfavorable and environmentally unsafe with a constant stay in it, especially for the development of the child in his teenage period. With the rapid development of urbanization, children's health is becoming one of the most important problems in many countries, the main reason for which is the lack of friendliness in cities. Therefore, ShenYao and Liu Xiaoyan in research have developed methods for designing a friendly city as ways to solve the negative impact of the urban environment on a child [1].

The modern pace of work, which forms an acute shortage of time allocated for communication between parents and children, children among themselves, is compensated in modern society by “network” or “mobile” communication, replacing real socialization in society. Therefore, the role of children's camps is very important in the lives of children, in building interpersonal relationships, communication, developing independence, flexible thinking, general knowledge and skills [2, 3]. Also, studies of Rachel M. F., Ashley A. R., and others in summer residential camps revealed that not only mentally healthy children have improved social skills, but also children with special needs (deviations). So, children and adolescents who visited the camp for several years continued to improve in social skills (growth in building relationships, self-control, independence) and supported their improvement from year to year [4].

An important role in the safe development of children and adolescents is played by a saturated green environment. The tendency to create a natural habitat inherent in man as a biological species is confirmed by this fact. Studies at school sites in Los Angeles have shown that the more nature there is, the more children display imagination, activity, and social behavior in games. The sedentary lifestyle of children decreased by 10. 0%. The authors came to the conclusion that the addition of green spaces to school yards covered with asphalt helps to introduce children to nature and increases the level of daily activity [5]. Studies of the relationship between school landscapes and the mental health of students, namely recovery from mental fatigue and stress, have shown that green spaces and the environment improve test results and increase the degree of student recovery after them [6]. Also, with lots of greenery and trees, math and reading tests are much higher than schools with fewer plantings and greenery. However, not all types of landscapes have the same beneficial properties. Large areas of land, “faceless landscapes, ” including large areas of lawns and sports fields, negatively affect academic performance. The environment should be saturated and vibrant [7].

Therefore, it is very important to organize and design the landscape design of child care facilities, children's environment, playgrounds and, most importantly, camps, so that children feel comfortable away from home. An important part of the camps, as well as camping tourism, which is a rather negligible aspect of the tourism and hospitality industry, is the choice of location. The economic aspect (marketing) is one of the factors of this choice [8]. For the rational and proper design of the landscape of the territory, strategic design is used, in which the design project can lead to many strategic results that go beyond the boundaries of the design object itself [9, 10].

As for the system of rest and leisure time in children's camps, it is associated with increased physical activity and the activation of labor activity with the development and further use of creative skills, which are an important part of the development of the child. The emergence of new creative labor camps is associated with the increased popularity of architectural festivals for the construction of art objects with their own hands, which have a career-oriented focus and include children's sections. It should also be noted that there has recently been a growing interest in society in architectural and design creativity as a subject of study. In response to this targeted order, numerous schools, studios, lecture halls, labor camps arise, master classes, festivals and other events are held that have an architectural theme and are focused on different age groups. For example, the summer art programs at James Madison University are an example of an established and consistent art enrichment camp. SummerArt invites young people to campus for in-depth study of fine and performing arts at a professional level [11]. A study of such programs of summer programs and camps showed that participants benefit greatly from the visualization of ideas, practical exercises, and joint work experience [12]. A training in building crafts can improve the understanding of future architects and students of building materials and contribute to effective design [13]. Attention should also be paid to environmental education, which should be introduced in such labor camps and which, under natural conditions, contributes to a better understanding of the importance of preserving the environment of children from small years. According to the study, children who attend schools adapted to nature and integrated with it had a significantly more pro-ecological attitude and behavior [14].

As for the dwellings themselves in children's camps should be environmentally friendly, practical and aesthetic. The child interacts with natural materials with interest, as a result of which creative and creative thinking develops. There should be many different colors and shapes around. So, in a study by Vallas T. and Courard L. it was proposed to develop a house with the following characteristics: he grows, builds and repairs himself; changes with the seasons; uses the forces of nature and is in harmony with the environment; favors biodiversity and natural balance; low cost and does not require significant labor or industrial material; returns to nature after disposal [15]. Timber is one of the main materials used in the construction of dwellings for children's camps. According to the results of research in Finland, people give more preference to timber, its environmental, physical, technological, and aesthetic advantages. But it was also noted that it is necessary to deepen consumer knowledge in the use of timber [16]. Research in the field of thermal properties, its ability to balance different temperatures in the room, its classification in the structure of residential buildings are designed to help better understand the various methods of timber house-building commercially produced around the world, spreading their concepts and capabilities as timber [17, 18].

The colors that are common in wildlife contribute to relaxation, concentration and creative development, the child intuitively feels in a natural safe environment. According to the recommendations of psychologists, children should be surrounded by natural materials and natural colors, since color can affect the cognitive functions of children and that there is a harmful effect of bright and crumbling colors, such as red [19]. Thus, children prefer more natural pastel colors for interior decoration and furniture (pale yellow, pale pink, blue, wood, white, gray, ocher) [20].


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