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Composition 3 150 words от руки!

Composition 3 150 words от руки!

Write a composition describing a building. Use the plan. Use the ‘useful language’.

Употребить не менее 15 слов из glossary в методичке и подчеркнуть.


Correct order of paragraphs: a5, b3, c4, d1, e2



Composition 4 150 words от руки!

Write an essay. Use the plan. Use the ‘useful language’, not less than 15 words.

Написать эссе, по плану (ниже) Употребить не менее 15 слов из списка useful language и подчеркнуть их в тексте.


Choose ONE essay topic: (выбрать одно из заданий! )

Exams are a good way of testing what students know. Do you agree?

In is not a good idea to cram the evening before an exam. Do you agree?



1. introduction

2. your opinion and 3 reasons

3. contrasting opinion

4. conclusion

Useful Language

off college/institute

marks/ grades

cheat in an exam

final year at uni/school

write a thesis

drop off school/college

school-leavers/last year students

take/fail an exam

cram before an exam

revise before an exam

enter any higher educational establishment

bring up children


while at the institute you can find a suitable area of specialization

obtain a bachelor’s degree

applicant/ apply for

get good results

think ahead


do your best

make the most of

get a range of experience

be good/bad at doing smth

give up studies

fall behind your group mates with Maths

catch up with the classmates

go through the material

get down to studying

get through the exam

pass the exam with flying colours

can’t make head or tail of …

concentrate on homework

take down the explanations

scrape through the exam

put off doing the homework until the last minute

have difficulty in

have problems with

applicants to academic programs at … university

better career/promotion opportunities

follow the examiner’s instructions



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