ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ ЧАСТЬ. Изобретения Британцев, играющие немаловажную роль в нашей жизни. Computer. The InternetТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ ЧАСТЬ Изобретения Британцев, играющие немаловажную роль в нашей жизни
TV The first inventor of television set was John Lougie Baird. When he invented the first model of TV he used different stuff: bicycle lenses, a tea box, sewing needles, an old hat box, scissors, wax and glue. Later he improved his model and in 1926 invented a mechanical TV set. Image on the TV had 30 vertical stripes. The image moved by turnaround of special disk. Speed of frame changes was 5 frames in second (Nowadays speed of frame changes is 24 frames in second). Maybe today this TV set makes somebody laughing but in those times it was a real progress. Scientists tried to do something like that with invention of radio but nobody could before Baird.
Computer In 19th century Charles Babbidge invented the first computer but in those time word «Computer» had another meanings: «Difference machine» or «Analytical machine». Unfortunately, the genius inventor could not finish his invention and only 100 years later was invented the first real computer. The first «Calculating machine» was invented by Charles Babbidge in 1822. His idea was not invention of modern computer. He wanted to make a machine which could calculate. Because Babbidge was tired of people mistakes in counting. That’s why Charles Babbidge is inventor of the first computer. «Babbidge’s machine» was the first programmable analytical machine and completely automatic.
The Internet On 12th of March in 1989 the British engineer Tim Berners-Lee presented to European Center of Nuclear Research his project of united system of organization, storage and general access to information. The web-browser was called The World Wide Web. According to plan of the inventor the «Web» should be a medium where everybody could share his knowledges with others. Tim Berners-Lee invented such protocols as URL, HTTP, HTMP which we use nowadays. Thanks for him we could communicate in Thenternet.