Antibiotics. Electric vacuum cleanerAntibiotics Also really enormous contribution British made in medicine. Invention of antibiotics made a great influence on its development. Thanks for it pneumonia, gangrene and another infections are no more deadly. Bacteriologist Alexander Fleming invented penicillin by accident. His laboratory was so dirty that during one of experiments: mushroom spore accidently caught put start of growing mushroom colonies among the bacteria. He found mold on the plate with staphylococcus. All colonies of the bacteria were neutralized. Fleming suggested that mushroom gives out substance which discourages bacteria’s increase. Later his guesstimate was confirmed by Howard Florey and Ernst Chane. Thus human got a gun against a big count of deadly infections. In 1945 Fleming, Florey and Chane got a Nobel Price. After penicillin were opened another antibacterial substances.
Electric vacuum cleaner Electric vacuum cleaner was patented by an engineer from Britain Hubert Cecil Booth. Paying attention to the device used in trains for blowing dust from the seats he reasoned that it would be much more practical to suck up the dust. The viability of the idea was tested with a handkerchief. When he found that the dust had accumulated on the bottom of the handkerchief, he realized that the idea was working. The equipment was so big that it was transport
С каждым годом появляется различная инновационная техника и совершенствуется то, что уже было изобретено, но иногда интересно заглянуть в прошлое, окунувшись в историю создания техники, окружающей нас, и увидеть их «предков» и эволюцию вплоть до наших дней. Так сделали и мы, ознакомившись с историей появления некоторых приборов, с которыми мы довольно часто имеем дело в жизни.
Every year appears different modern technics and being improved that what was already invented but sometimes it is very interesting to look into the past, plunging in the history of invitation of technics, which is around us, to see its “ancestors” and its evolution till our days. So did we, having read the history of appearing some inventions which we often use.