Topic: The Gram-negative cocci pathogenic for humans. Laboratory diagnosis of gonoсcal, and meningococcal infections.Date__________________ Class 1 Topic: The Gram-negative cocci pathogenic for humans. Laboratory diagnosis of gonoсcal, and meningococcal infections. ISW: Haemophilus influenza. Virulence factors. Laboratory diagnosis of Н. influenzae infection. Questions to be discussed: 1. Morphology and tinctorial properties of gonococci and meningococci. 2. Gonococcal and meningococcal virulence factors. 3. Meningococcal antigenic structure. 4. Outcome of gonococcal and meningococcal infections. 5. Diagnosis of acute and chronic gonococcal infections. 6. Diagnosis of acute meningococcal infections. 7. Immunity after gonococcal and meningococcal infections. 8. Prevention and therapy of gonococcal and meningococcal infections. Practical tasks: 1. Complete and describe the scheme of culture and identification of gonococcal infections: Genital, rectal, and pharyngeal specimens must be inoculated on enriched selective media (modified Thayer-Martin medium (MTM) or serum agar and incubated in an atmosphere containing 5% of CO2 at 370C for 48 hours. Identify oxidase-positive activity
2. Non-culturable methods used in diagnosis of gonorrhea: - PCR-based techniques; - DNA-probes;