1. It will be hot and sunny all weekend.⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 19 из 19 1. It will be hot and sunny all weekend. · It is going to be a nice weekend. · It might be a nice weekend. · It might rain. 2. It will be dry all next week. · It might rain next week. · It won't rain next week. · It is going to rain next week. 3. Cold temperatures will also bring snow and ice. · There might be snow and ice. · There is going to be snow and ice. · It won't be cold. 4. Temperatures will fall to freezing and there might be ice on the roads. · There will be ice on the roads. · It is going to be icy. · It will be cold. 5. It is going to be a fine weekend in most parts of the country. · It might be nice this weekend. · It won't be nice everywhere. · It is going to be sunny everywhere. 6. Temperatures will be a lot milder than usual. · It is going to be cold. · It might be cold. · It won't be cold. 7. There might be storms at the weekend. · There are going to be storms on Saturday or Sunday. · There will be storms on Saturday or Sunday. · It might rain on Saturday or Sunday. 8. It will be cloudy all day and it might rain tomorrow. · It won't rain tomorrow. · It isn't going to be sunny today. · It is going to rain today and tomorrow. 9. Heavy rain will move into the western parts of the country first thing on Saturday morning. · It is going to rain in the west. · It is going to rain on Friday. · It won't rain very much. 10. The rain will gradually move eastwards, arriving at the most eastern parts of the country by Sunday morning. · It might rain in the east. · There will be heavy rain. · The rain will reach the east.
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