Short stories 3 страница
I heard how neighbors from below and sideways exchanged words about me. The voices rang on the street too. I already got used to them, all night long they didn't allow me to fall asleep. I heard the voices of the presidents of different countries. I knew the earthquake in Japan was my fault.
I took a candle and went to the bathroom. It was somehow awkward to me to go to the bathroom and into the toilet with light, as I knew that my life is broadcasted on hundreds of cameras worldwide.
Having returned into my room, I rummaged in the bag, and suddenly noticed some transparent balls. It seemed as if they were hanging in the air. I understood that my grandmother poured them to me them when I was visiting her. Yes, that’s how it was. I took all knitted socks that she presented me, and cut them up into pieces. Perhaps I somehow will manage to delay my death. I put the balls on the candle and set fire. At this moment the door began to open. Figures of the police officer and the doctor appeared. I grabbed a huge chair and rushed to prop up the door, but I wasn't in time. They put cuffs on me and took me away to the emergency room.
I knew that it was the end. I was the involuntary witness to some secret affairs of this secret society, and now I will be surely eliminated. I sat in the corridor and heard how the passing by people talk. But something in their talk was wrong. And I understood what. Secret signs. They told one, but meant another. They were arranging to kill me, right in front of me, without paying any attention to me. At last, all papers were completed, and they put me into my uncle's car. I saw that in the car’s number there were figures 6 and 9. " That is all" - I thought and shouted: “They’re killing me! ”
I thought that they would surely arrange an accident on the road, shoot me, and then flee by another car. But there was nothing left for me to do, I got into the car, and we drove away.
In an hour everything was over. I was in the safety of hospital walls. I was forced to sign some papers and asked why I’m here. " I want to have a rest. " – I answered. To me it was all the same already.
2013 Office work
A big gray building. I put a card to the door and come inside. Long corridors, steep stairs, modern elevators. At the offices it’s cool and lively. Computers are buzzing, people are clicking keys. Everyone – in one’s separate world and almost doesn't adjoin others. Some guy passes by, apparently, from our company, muttering curses through the clenched teeth. – Good morning! I go up one floor higher. At our office many came a bit earlier and are already working. It’s not possible to manage to do all things in one day. There is enough work for everyone. Someone is filling in some forms, another one is entering information into the computer and corresponding with customers, another is conducting negotiations with clients. Some are processing some documents, others are counting money, the third ones are just sitting on the phone. By the end of day many complain of their eyes and back hurt. Everyone complains of low salary. During the lunch it is cheerful and noisy in the kitchen. In one corner they’re eating instant noodles, in another corner – caviar sandwiches. Generally they’re discussing working questions, and also – who and where went or will go for holidays this year. The topics are vast – from the cookies brought from the Czech Republic to the beaches of Turkey. In the smoking-room – the quiet silence, which is occasionally interrupted by short remarks on sorts of tobacco or brands of coffee. At five pm we are released.
A big gray building. I come inside, pass by the security guard on a dusty old staircase. At the office it is stuffy and noisy. The majority at the office – women of different ages. Someone is chatting with one’s friend on the phone, someone has settled at the computer and is playing Tanchiki. Some guy is swearing, probably, because he have to do more work, than others. The women are discussing models of dresses and types of cosmetics, someone is drinking tea, someone is eating cookies. In the smoking-room – various conversations " on life", occasionally interrupted by work. Everyone has enough time. The women are showing their new shoes and handbags. At six pm a long queue of employees is heading to the exit.
A big gray building. Our office – at the end of the corridor. The employees are running, the couriers are hovering around, the visitors are constantly coming in. The workers are having tea right at their workplace, silently. After all, there won’t be any lunch anyway. The fatigue increases at the evening, but no one has any time to have a rest. The furious clients are shouting into the cellphones, the uncountable phones are ringing, and some strangers are forcing their way into the doors. At seven pm the tired people are leaving the building.
A big gray building. At the office – silence, everyone is behind one’s own fenced-off little table. The employees in strict suits are scurry about to and fro. Each door has its own lock and a code. On the ceiling – surveillance cameras and too bright luminescent lamps. Everyone telephone conversation is being recorded. We have dinner at the restaurant. – I hope, you are glad to become a part of our company! And what are you fond of? Chess? It is strange. You are obliged to go to corporate parties once a month. And we are organizing various contests. Exactly at six pm the employees are wandering off to their houses.
So let us rejoice…
… I got out of the bus and went to a bus stop at the railway station to get on another bus and to reach, at last, the university. Habitual morning fatigue from an hour spent in the stuffy and dusty bus with the students of colleges who were cursing all the time. Early morning and a wish not to think of anything. Neither about the past, nor about the future. On the railway station there was a woman with a huge sheep-dog. Never loved dogs. Trying to pass by, I, probably, somehow looked at her not in a right way. – F*ck you, I will set the dog on you! – she shouted. I quietly retreated, but something broke inside me. A morning mood was spoilt. When I stood on the bus stop, the company of young people passing by looked at me in a strange way. I was frightened. One of them muttered: – You will s*ck my d*ck in a snug place! In the city bus, it was, like always, noisy and cheerful. Students told jokes about teachers, some were doing homeworks on the run. Having gone out of the bus, I found myself at one more desert bus stop. Dense herbs blossomed and the sun glistened in dewdrops on leaves. There was some village nearby. In the distance the walls of our native alma mater were seen. Suddenly an sms from an unfamiliar guy was received on my phone. – Are you busy tonight? I asked whether it was Igor, or, maybe, Sasha. He didn't answer. I joined the crowd of students who came out of the bus and I walked to the uni. There as no one to speak to, and nothing about. Near the main entrance the smokers were already rejoicing a fresh morning. Several non-smoking students stood at the door by little groups. One girl had a short red dress on, another – some motley dress and tights with large red mesh. I approached the acquaintances, got out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Now I felt safe. I told my friend Natasha about strange sms, and she suggested to call on the stranger’s number. So I did. The call rang out somewhere nearby. We looked around. It turned out, it was a girl from a parallel group. After several minutes of spiteful showdowns and curse words from her side the mood was completely brought to zero. – Now I know that you have a boyfriend and what is his name! – spitefully giggled a fellow student and her friends. – Give up smoking, don't ruin your health, – one of the teachers said to me, passing by. But I didn't even think of it. It was necessary for me to smoke. It seemed the only condition on which I was accepted into at least some circle of people. Smoking and booze made me one of them. However, it brought joy only in case of repeating regularly. The fellow students didn't speak to me and spitefully exchanged words behind my back, but several people drank with me. We sat together at one desk and wrote letters to each other at lectures. Small talks. It was wonderful. An absolutely new feeling when someone sits with you with pleasure. Even if with a purpose of copying off all answers from you. We finished smoking, left our jackets in the locker room and went into our group’s lecture room. At any lecture we sat on the last desks so that it was possible to talk, read or do our own things. As well as many. My classmates, unlike me, knew English second-rately, but compensated it by the diligence and by finding the summary of books they had to read in the Internet a day before the examination. At examinations they thrust cribs under their skirts and into other places. Nobody bothered studying lectures when it was clear that things could be copied off the cribs. And it seemed unfair to me, though unlike many of my fellow students, I had been studying in pedagogical university because I hadn’t any money to study in other places – I know, all of you are dreaming about career. But what if fate will drive you into school … – one professor edified. – What is this education, only zilch, English – the only thing that would be useful to you, – another pedagogue said. All students were already on their places, and even Valya. Valya – the same outcast of the group like me – copied off my homework. But she was considered the worst in the group, and I wasn’t. There’s always only one outcast. Therefore it was pleasant to me that an outcast was not me, as it usually happened at school. Valya wore strange clothes and got satisfactoryscores. I had people to talk with, except Valya, and I never mocked her. Popularity is only the majority’s opinion. And she had one good quality – kindness. The teacher entered, and a double period began. – How it will be to say “pohmelye” in English? – the English teacher asked. – Hangover, – I answered, because I’ve just recently read a book about Bond where this word was on the first page. And I had practical experience. Classmates looked back to me with displeasure. But they got used asking me the most sophisticated English words or to copying off answers to tests. Suddenly Natasha’s phone rang out. It seems, her child got sick. Or perhaps one of her convives, whom she was picking up from the whole University, was calling. She asked for permission to leave and left. – Just look at her, she went … – Varvara Mikhaylovna said and made a contemptuous ugly face when Natasha left the room. After the double period I considered my duty to tell about it to Natasha. – What an old b*tch! She will be responsible for it yet, I will tell my mother. You know, where she works! – Natasha exclaimed. On the following double period it was more cheerful. The teacher left on her business, having given us some easy task. It was natural. We knew where she went. The teachers locked themselves and smoked in a toilet with three cabins, and everyone in turn. " Again they sat firm" - we thought. Instead of the usual ignoring me and talks about belongings and TV and on the topic who sleeps with whom, my fellow student decided to drink for someone's birthday (that happened every month), and even invited me and Valya to join the party. Some took out plastic glasses, some cookies and champagne. Unexpectedly the teacher came in. – So, now I will leave for five minutes and I wish I didn't see it any more! – she told us. On the third double period we, at last, had a lecture, and not practical training. Time to have a rest. – A child – a clear board, we form his world view, – the professor was repeating, and it felt nasty and disgusting to me. Poor children. I recalled how one teacher told me at the pass/fail test: " You shone so brightly on the first year, what happened to you after your academic leave? " Well, nothing. I just realized that you shouldn't spend your strength to seem better than others, while there are lots of more important things. Eyesight. Chess. Leaves on the trees. The sky. Good books. However, in those hobbies I was alone. At the break time I spoke with one of my acquaintances by phone, and I felt slightly less lonely. We agreed to meet and walk together. He was boring, as well as all people. But it was pleasant to feel oneself together with someone. – You will call me, huh? – I asked him. – Of course. The next double period began with the analysis of emphasis in the word " call". Many teachers never missed an opportunity to ego-trip at the expense of students. Perhaps, all system of the higher education was invented for this purpose… After the periods the students didn't go away for long. Started to talk about the forthcoming summer session. – We have to bring candies to our teacher. Otherwise he might flunk half of the group. Will ask each word from his lectures. – It’s nothing yet, in St. Petersburg it is necessary to pay for each pass/fail test. An elderly teacher passed by. – See, how he is watching, he’s probably looking for a mistress! – one of excellent students started giggling. Her mother always sent her a lot of money for her clothes. I recalled how one teacher made me rewrite ninety pages of the workbook, as he didn’t understand my handwriting. Naturally, the rewritten workbook wasn’t read by him too. At last, we began to get ready for the bus. On the way I ran into Natasha with some pals, and I joined them.
… Several years will pass. My wealthy fellow students will go to different cities. Some teachers will die, including Varvara Mikhaylovna. Valya will become quite a good teacher. I will get mentally ill. Natasha will never invite me neither to her wedding, nor to her birthday, and none of my former acquaintances will ever call me.
2013 Men
It was a fine summer day. She went to a holiday celebration, rejoicing warm summer air and the smell of leaves. – Fallen sweaty wh*re! – was heard somewhere from behind. She didn't turn around, but the mood was spoilt at once. It was recalled to her how at school the seniors came into their class when the teacher wasn't at the lesson, drew a dick on a blackboard and suggested the girls who wished to have sex with them. It was the first time when she ran away from school. Near the main square it was noisy and joyful. People with happy faces gathered in small groups and waited for a concert. Some old man cried out behind her: – A b*tch! But she didn't pay attention any more, plunging into her thoughts …
… They sat in a small old cafe, drinking cognac and talking. – And there she died, so unexpectedly, and the ambulance arrived only in half an hour later … – I understand. My first wife too … – he answered, looking at her with oily lewd eyes, and touched her knee. He never missed a chance to paw over her. But she considered it an inevitable payment for his friendship. However lousy he was, she needed a man to share her thoughts with. – You will give birth to my baby! – he whispered in a disgustingly sweet voice. Then they sat on the river bank and kissed, she took a condom, and he tried to make something with one finger, as there were other people on shore except them. " Such a crooked finger with the broken-off nail you can’t see even in your worst nightmares", – she thought. At last, he escorted her home. Her lips were bitten till they bled, as that creature was kissing with his teeth. She was tired, and he should have to go back home, to his elderly wife …
Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by appearance of a certain bozo with a little head and small ears. – Hi. And why is such beauty standing alone? Why is she so sad? – I’m waiting for my boyfriend. But he is somewhat late … It was not exactly so. Her guy under a specious excuse refused to go to a holiday celebration, and she suspected that he was with another girl now. He was a zealous Christian, wanted a wife the virgin and was very much offended that his girlfriend had " not enough blood". Now he checked the suspicions with another girl. – Let's go, we will drink something, for a start, – the bozo offered. – Do you have an spare cig? – Only the strong. – That’s alright. After a couple of cans of Nevsky it became clear that the guy worked at the construction site in the neighboring town, had a girlfriend and a car. – Are you very experienced? – Well, so, I am able to do something. – I can teach you for free! In life it is useful. I know all positions … – Seems like I have no wish, thanks. And I have a boyfriend. – I have one b*tch too. So that? Look, you will regret then, there will be nowhere to learn to do it! Here, you’re even kissing in a wrong way! She remembered the favourite phrase of her boyfriend " you have to learn to give pleasure to a man". And it became his habit to speak so after the blowjob. It is a pity that very few people cared about her pleasure … – I think, it is time for me to go, – she said, coming unstuck from his dribbling mouth smelling of beer and tobacco. The guy began to enrage her, but politeness won. – Let's call up each other!
… The queue at the toilet cabin didn't decrease, the music sounded more and more loudly, and people were getting more and more drunk. Some boozy tried to strike up a conversation: – Do you like me? – I don't know … – You are a good girl. Let's screw? I have money, we will sit separately at the restaurants. – No, thanks. Here the boozer was distracted by the flock of girls passing by: – Look there! Fuck, I would screw them!
Having gotten out of the queue, at last, she went closer to the stage, looking out for her boyfriend. But he, probably, hid somewhere, being afraid of scandal. Unexpectedly a familiar face appeared in the crowd: – Oh, f*ck, hi! She recalled, – it was a friend of her acquaintance, the tall pimply teenager in spectacles who studied in the technical college and suggested her to go out with him several times. – Hi. – Let's go, f*ck, we will have a drink. We, f*ck, are going to walk, f*ck you, through the wood on other side of the river. Will you go? – No, I have other plans. – And do you remember, Tolyan wanted to date you? He talks to me about you till now. Her only desire was – to get rid of that drunk as soon as possible. – And let’s, f*ck, I will be dating you? I like you! – I have a boyfriend. – Аа, well, sh*t, it is a pity. Well, f*ck you, bye. Music was dying away. It getting dark. The last small groups of people dispersed to their houses. She reached her apartment, opened the door and turned on the computer. In a mailbox there were already several letters from various far and close acquaintances. The first was short: " B*tch, I will find you and I will kill you, and I will kill your boyfriend". The second was longer; more precisely, – on five pages. This love masterpiece began with the analysis of the drawbacks of life in small Russian cities, proceeded with the description of her clothes on one of her photo and the enumeration of actions which he intended to do with her and her pussy, and ending with the offer to marry him as soon as possible it and to give birth to children, and " the more the better". Having opened one of dating sites, she had read the messages addressed to her which also didn't add optimism: " Suck my d*ck, b*tch! ", " Let's f*ck? ", " Hi, let's screw", " Do you want to look at me in the camera? I j*rk off well! ", " We offer erotic video filming, it is cheap", " We are couple of guys, we apologize for such a courageous offer in advance, but couldn't you satisfy us? ", We area married couple, do you want to spend an evening with us? ", " I’ll eat your pussy gently! ", " You will groan in my embraces! ", " I will carry out erotic photography, free of charge! My d*ck is 20 cm" … Having been tired from the variety of offers, she switched off the computer and dialed the number of her boyfriend. From the phone some dissatisfied mooing was heard. She flung away the mobile onto the bed, got under the blanket and was reposing for a long time, without moving and trying not to think of anything. She was woken up by an unexpected call from an old friend who was married long ago and had three children. – How are you? How do you feel? – Normally. What happened? – I’ve found a job for you. Only one call somewhere is necessary … – So what? – Well, nothing. Don't you want to meet me? – No, I don’t. – It is a pity. Well, just in case, you will find me if you change your mind … – Bye. She put the phone on the edge of the bed and sank into sleep again. But the phone rang out again. One more acquaintance, this time from another city and many years older than her. – Hi! Sorry, that I woke you up. I’ve been reading your poems here. It’s awesome how you write. Very gifted... I love you. Perhaps we will meet some time? She switched off her phone to have some sleep till morning.
– What beer do you drink? – Igor asked. – Any. Baltika Devyatka or Troyka. – Me too. We have much in common! – he rejoiced. The question wasn't an unexpected one. Usually it was one of the first topics with which the conversation with new acquaintances of both sexes began. " And do you drink often? That is – do you like to booze? ", " Drink a small bottle with me! ", " What do you drink", etc. We were walking along the park. The rain was gathering, and the silent rustle of leaves reminded of autumn. In a small shed near the park the chess tournament began, and we hurried there. People didn't hurry to go away from the fresh forest air. Children were playing. Two young mothers on a bench were smoking. Old men were basking on the sun, sipping beer. In the shed several people sat, the majority – of already elderly age. It was an adult tournament, and there weren’t any kids that day. The prize was, as always, package of tooth-powder, but nobody worried about the prizes – the participation was pleasant. –They don't appreciate me in this town … they don't allow me to train chess, – one veteran was lamenting. – Only while you’re on pension, there is time to play, – was ruminating another. Me and Igor sat down at a little table, expecting the beginning of a tournament. I didn't pay attention to chess players. Several people treated me neutrally and placably and gave useful tips on the game, and some considered me as an unwanted body in the club. I knew what they were talking behind my back. – What a butt, – murmured one of them. Igor pricked up his ears. Probably, he speculated on the thought which of them I slept with. Actually I hadn’t slept with any of them, but I didn't want to explain to Igor how I was mistaken in my best feelings and trusted one of them. I suspected that then it wouldn't be without a fight. That time I didn't know yet, that people try to obtain a certain degree of intimacy to put you down later. I didn't know what hatred is able to do. The tournament began, and I " had luck" to play with one of them. – Plays well, – with envy several people muttered, having gathered in a circle on some distance from me. – And I met her, – claimed one. – Well and how? The chess player venomously grinned and smugly licked his lips. I didn't catch the rest of the words. – I know. My son saw her with him on the street, – joyfully said another. After the tournament the senior chess players remained to drink vodka and to have a talk about their men's business, and I went home with Igor. – I don't love these gatherings. Better to grow up children, than to drink, – he commented, – let’s go to me, we will drink wine, we will listen to the music. The rain already started with might and main. We went under one umbrella and kept silent.
The summer
The summer morning was coming slowly and almost didn't differ from the night. I woke up, made some coffee, turned on the computer and rejoiced at the fresh messages: " I suggest to pay for your holiday rest and study. I already prepared the apartment. I’m still planning to start a family, therefore we will be meeting secretly". " Let's spend a week together. You are not beautiful enough to meet you for long. Are all all types of sex available with you? My requirements: anal sex, a shaved pussy, to re-colour your hair and make a fringe, put on a white blouse on, and it is advisable for you to stop writing stories and playing chess". " Again you write gloomy stories … some dirty side. But I just returned from the confession, and I don’t what happened to you this time". " You don't want anal? You are a haughty b*tch from the village". " Do you have problems? And I don’t give a d*mn, I have tuberculosis. You should respect me. You are egoistic! " " People are worth exactly as much as the amount of money they earn". " You live too far away, so we won’t have any relationships, only sex". Having removed all messages, I put my clothes on and went outside. The sun was shining, and every cloudlet was slowly and seriously moving through the sky. At the bench some drunk lay, squealing a bit in his dream. On my way I ran into an old childhood friend with her child. The word " friend" implied that in the deep childhood I had a walk with her for a few times and went to her birthday once. In the time free from motherhood, she had a good time placing on her VK wall the recipes of dishes which she will never cook, the price lists for church candles and the announcements of a whip-round for kids, suffering from cancer. – You have to change! Only with a child a woman can reckon herself a woman! The phone rang out. It was some local guy, whom I got acquainted with on a dating site. – Come to me. We will drink, we will have a snack, and we will listen to some Russian criminal songs. Me and my brother are known by all militia when we are having a rest! We were walking along the park, and millions of leaves were sparkling in the sun like coins. Near the rubbish dump the kids were running around the bum who tried to catch them. – Well should I come to meet you? I will punch all your acquaintances in the face! At last, I got rid of him and of my friend. I went to meet one of my acquaintances who suddenly wanted to get drunk with somebody after the meeting with her next lover. We came into a local cafe and sat near the window. – Let's drink for our meeting. Drink more, drink! She had a husband. She also had a child. Outside the window curious pigeons were pecking something in a gasoline pool. Several men were carnivorously grinning, watching us. After one liter I could, at last, get rid of her, and went home. There were infinite job searches ahead, where the allergy can't develop and there is a toilet, where they pay more than six thousand rubles and don't force to work for fifteen hours. And other convenient conditions for the mentally ill.
2013 A day in the nutbin
6. 00
The consciousness was coming back slowly. As though I was swimming out from a huge black lake where I couldn’t get the bottom by my feet, and the seaweed are twisted around my feet and pulling me down. Before my nose there was a fico. Real. Not illusive, and most real, from a human hand. The fear captured me in the first seconds until I understood that it only Valechka, the steady inhabitant of the hospital. She took a dislike for me for something and didn't miss an opportunity to spoil my life. I shouted at her and she escaped to her ward, grinning lousily.