Results and conclusion ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5
Based on the above data, we see that the topic of introducing sex education lessons resonates with modern young people and adolescents. This is not surprising, because based on the results of the pie chart, we see that approximately 96% of students and 91% of schoolchildren believe that studying this subject at school will help future generations feel more confident in life. Of course, there is a percentage of negative responses. But their presence is due to the fact that such respondents had the opportunity to learn all the necessary and interesting knowledge in the family, in a friendly atmosphere. But unfortunately, there are a minority of such guys.
In conclusion The lessons of sexuality education teaches not only how to take care of your health, but also encourages you to strengthen your own body and properly manage your psyche. We think sex education lessons are extremely important. Lack of knowledge among young people is disastrous. Sexual education forms an idea of responsibility for a partner, respectful attitude to him, develops self-esteem, self-control, endurance and spirituality. Such lessons promote respect for gender issues, the ability to control feelings, desires and instincts. References
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