Frolova K.O.1, Gushchina G.E.2Frolova K. O. 1, Gushchina G. E. 2 THE PROBLEM OF SEXUAL EDUCATION AT SCHOOL: IS IT WORTH IT OR NOT? Russia, Russia 1Bachelor’s student, Institute of Foreign Languages, MPGU, Moscow FROLOVA_KSENIY@MAIL. RU 2Bachelor’s student, Institute of Foreign Languages, MPGU, Moscow TOTILASVALEGRO@GMAIL. COM Abstract: The study is conducted within the framework of the problem of the lack of sex education in Russian schools. The objective of this research is to find out the opinion of schoolchildren and students on this topic and to conclude whether this subject is needed in modern Russian schools. The study was conducted among students aged 12-26 in Moscow educational organisations. Key words: Sex education, school education, AIDS, HIV, WHO, children, Russian school, teaching sex education lessons, the attitude of schoolchildren and students. Introduction. In 1994, B. Yeltsin signed the federal program " Children of Russia", which includes a subprogram " Family Planning". Sex education sessions had begun in some schools. In 1994, two billion rubles were allocated for the Family Planning program. However, in 1997, among conservatives and the media there were some dissatisfactions, and sex education was not included in the school curriculum. Is the role of parents important? Of course, yes. Parents should explain the characteristic physiological changes tactfully. Due to their attention to such issues, the child feels support and understanding. If we ignore the lessons of sex education, then we will find children who do not have a clear understanding of physiology, body changes, reproductive organs, personal boundaries. Frequently, children do not know how to build hormonal relationships, therefore they rely on the knowledge of their peers or the Internet. Interest in sexual life appears very early but knowledge comes with a delay and often leads to sad consequences. For example, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, psychological trauma. Basically, sex education lies on the parents. But not all of them can provide this knowledge. Moreover, not all children can discuss topics related to sexual education with their parents. Qualified specialists are able to convey this important information to the teenager in the correct form; the children will feel more comfortable and will not hesitate to ask what interests them. Methodology. Nowadays find out information about sex relationships and sexuality much more earlier than 10 years ago. But it is also easy to get lost in a huge amount of information that is often contradictory and unreliable. The Internet, the media, older friends - all these forms ideate modern children’s impression about issues of a sexual nature. But is their knowledge sufficient? Is their understanding of this topic correct, or is it not enough to have sincere conversations with friends? Why is this theme so urgent today? Unfortunately, statistical services cannot provide us with up-to-date data, but after analyzing the WHO statistical collections for 2021 and the statistical collection " Healthcare in Russia" for 2019, these are the results we are able to obtain. According to the indicators of early pregnancy among adolescents, the Russian Federation has a coefficient of 21. 5 pregnancies per 1000 girls from 15 to 19 years old. [1] On the one hand, the indicator is significantly lower than, for example, in the African region. However, comparing the indicators of the Russian Federation with European countries where sex education is implemented as an educational program, we can see that the rate of early pregnancy among adolescents in countries such as Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy is 3-4 times lower than in Russia. Moreover, the indicators of sexually transmitted diseases among Russian adolescents are frightening. As of 2019, the number of adolescents with STDs has increased by more than 4 thousand people compared to 2017. According to the latest data, 36. 6 thousand per 100, 000 adolescents aged 15-19 suffer from STDs. [2] In addition, Russia has long remained on the list of leading countries in terms of the number of people infected with HIV and AIDS. Our indicators are close to those of the countries of the African region. [3] You can count on your fingers how many schools throughout Russia have sex education lessons. Many residents of the country may wonder why such lessons are needed at all? Unfortunately, there is still a need for little discussion on such a theme, because we have bad statistics on non-adult pregnancies, many adolescents do not know about contraception and do not know about diseases that they can get in. We interviewed modern schoolchildren and students who are studying in Moscow. We want to know what they think about this issue. The aim of our research was to identify the attitude of schoolchildren and students to teaching sex education lessons.