Results of CalculationsWe conducted two tests, one was passed by schoolchildren, the second was passed by students. 200 people were interviewed in total: 100 students and 100 schoolchildren. Students were asked questions aimed at identifying their attitude to the topic of sexual education at school. We specially shared schoolchildren and students in order to compare the attitude of modern adolescents and modern youth to this topic. A large number of interviewed people are women. Among students is 85% approximately, and among schoolchildren is 74%. The most popular age among teenagers is 15 years old. As we talk about students, most people are 20 years old. The pie charts 1 give information about in what grade we should talk about this topic at school. About 20% in both groups believe that it should be discussed in the 7th grade. There is the same percentage (about 20%, ) from schoolchildren who consider that these lessons should be taught in the 5th and 8th grade. Among students there are 20% of people who think about 6th form. Overwhelming majority among students (37%) believe that lessons should be in 5th grade, as for teenagers, in 6th grade (30%) The pie chart 1. In what grade should we talk about this topic at school?
If we talk about the form of including the subject of sex education in the school curriculum, we have received unexpected results. In the histogram 1 both the majority of schoolchildren (55%) and the majority of students (63%) are sure that this subject should be included in the main schedule of classes. However, opinions differed on the question of whether to do this discipline as an elective subject or as an elective. Students agree to include sex education as an optional subject, but schoolchildren believe that it would be better to choose a subject that can either be chosen or not. The histogram 1. In which form subject should be included. No less acute is the question of the one who will teach sex education lessons. In the histogram 2 both students and teenagers are ready to entrust to a school psychologist (≈ 74% both there and there). In second place, a school health worker was chosen (≈ 42. 5%). In addition, a total of 31 people answered that it should be not just a school employee, but a visiting specialist with specialized education in the field of sexology, biology and psychology. The histogram 2. Person who should teach sex education classes. The respondents also identified a list of topics that should be covered during the course on sex education. The opinions of students and schoolchildren coincide. Both students and schoolchildren for the most part believe that the most important topic for discussion is STDs and STIs. According to the bar chart, the second most important topic was personal protective equipment. It is noteworthy that the students voted for each topic approximately equally. However, students have a relatively low interest in the topic of family relationships. In adolescents, we observe the dominance of only two aspects that should be covered during the course of sexual education.