Rooms in the house.. What can animals do.. Counting song.. Revision.. Список использованной литературы ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Rooms in the house. There are many rooms in the house: a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room, a dining room, and baby’s room. In my house there is a toy box with many toys in it. What’s this? What colour is this? Is it a teddy? Is it big? Is it new? (дети по очереди отвечают на вопросы учителя и рисуют свою любимую игрушку) Say about your favourite toy. I have got a doll. I have got a ball. I have got a top … (рассказ о своих игрушках). Let’s sing a song about teddy bear. https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=666UZRBO5q8
Scene 8 What can animals do. Can a hare jump? - Yes, it can. Can a cow run? - Yes, it can… (ответы детей) Do exercises with the bear. I can run, I can run, I can run and run and I’m having lots of fun I can run. Can you? (jump, swim, hop, skip) – делаем вместе. https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=QKn5H1cekyo
Scene 9 Counting song. We can count. Count the toys please. One, two…. - twenty. (счет детей до 20 в игровой форме) Sing a song about numbers. Count, count, count with me Count with me from one to twenty. (1-20) https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=D0Ajq682yrA Scene 10 Revision. Our lesson is over. Thank you for your working. Show us your pictures. Do you like it? Now you give some presents. These are hearts. You well done today! You may have a rest. Sing a song «I like English». https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=f0R8ZjTvkUI
Список использованной литературы 1. И. В. Анухина. Занимательный английский для детей. С-Пб.: Изд-во “Речь”, 2004. - 96 с. 2. А. Васильев. Английский с мамой. Уроки в рифмах. С-Пб.: Изд-во “Лингва”, 2003. - 80 с. 3. Р. А. Дольникова, Л. Г. Фрибус. Сборник песен к УМК. Как детишек нам учить по-английски говорить. С-Пб.: Изд-во “Каро”. 2002. - 24 с. 4. А. В. Конышева. English for Kids. - Спб: Изд-во “Каро”, 2004. -160 с.