Thirupallandu. of PeriyazhvarThirupallandu of Periyazhvar
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
“Pallandu” used to be sung by the mothers in Tamil Nadu to protect the babies from dangers and evil eyes. “Pallandu” could be translated as “Long live with protection”. But when a Pallandy u is sung for the God, this translation does not seem to be alright and that is why, I have chosen “For a long time” and left the other part to the imagination of the devotee who reads it. This “Pallandu” is considered as one of the very sacred prayers by the followers of Saint Ramanuja. Manavala Mamunigal, who was one of the great saints of Vaishnavism wrote:-
“Undo thirupallandukku oppadhor kalai than, Undo Periyaazhvarukku oppu uruvar –than thamizh nool, Seidhu arulum Azhvargal thammill avar sei kalayil, Paidhal nenje nee unanthu paar”
Meaning Is there any work which is comparable to “Thirupallandu”. Is there a person who is comparable to Periyaazhvaar, A mong the Aazhvars who wrote Tamil works, And among the works that they wrote, Oh childish mind, please try to investigate.
Periyaazhvar (So called because he was the eldest Aazhvar) whose name was Vishnu Chithan was engaged in raising flowers in his garden and offering them to Lord Vishnu at Srivilliputhur. Once a pandyan king called Vallabha deva challenged scholars to give the best interpretation of Vedic Thathwas. To bring out which God he should worship to guarantee Moksha He tied the price money in the form of gold coins and tied it on the top of the pole and wanted the scholars to make that bag of gold coinsavailable to themselves by giving a proper interpretation. All great scholars failed and Lord Vishnu appeared in the dream of Periyaazhwar and requested him to the court and explain the vEdic interpretation to the king. He won the debate and got the golden prize bag which please his Acharya Selva Nambi as well as the king. The king took Vishnu Chithar in a procession through the streets of Madurai on the royal elephant. At that time Lord Vishnu appeared before him riding on Garuda. Vishnu chithar like a concerned mother sang this great poem so that the child Krishna would be protected for ever. Vishnu Chitha later got his daughter AAndal married to the lord and became his father in law. This great work is normally recited in the beginning and end of the recitation of the Dravida Vedam.
I hope to be pardoned for my immature attempt by the great scholars of Vaishnavism, if they happen to browse this work.