sadagopan.org. CONTENTS. sadagopan.org. THIRUMANGAI AZHWAR VAIBHAVAM
Annotated Commentary in English By: Oppiliappan Koil SrI VaradAchAri SaThakopan sadagopan.org CONTENTS
Paasuram 1 6 Paasuram 2 8 Paasuram 3 10 Paasuram 4 & 5 11 Paasuram 6 13 Paasuram 7 & 8 14 Paasuram 9 & 10 15 Paasuram 11 & 12 16 Paasuram 13 & 14 18 Paasuram 15 & 16 19 Paasuram 17 & 18 21 Paasuram 19 22 Paasuram 20 23 Nigamanam 24 sadagopan.org THIRUMANGAI AZHWAR VAIBHAVAM
Parakalan at Ahobilam
Thirumangai AzhwAr was the last of the Twelve AzhwArs. His Taniyan is: KaarthikE KrittikA Jaatham chathushkavi SikhAmaNim ShaDprabhandha kruthaM Saarnga-mUrthim kaliyamAsrayE Thirumangai AzhwAr known as Kaliyan, ParakAlan was born in Nala samvathsaram, VriscchikA Maasam, PourNami dinam. It was a Thursday and KritthikA Nakshathram was in ascendance. His place of birth is Thirukkurayaloor near ThiruvAli-Thirunahari. His given name at birth was Neelan. He was born in Chathurtha VarNam and he mastered svakula Vidhyai of DhanussAsthram. With his mastery of archery and weapons handling, he was formidable in fights. He became a chieftain of a district in the kingdom of ChOLAs and served the ChOLA king. He had four ministers with the names of ThALUthuvAN, Neer-mEl NadappAn, Nizhalil MaRaivAn and ThOlA Vazhakkan. With their help and the carrying power of his horse with the name of AadalmA, Neelan was able to drive away many enemies of the ChOLA king and enjoyed an honoured status in the ChOLA Kingdom. Meanwhile, in a nearby village, there was a female child born as BhUmyamsai in an Aambal pond (Kumuda saras) and a Vaisyan took that child home and adopted it as his own. This child grew to be a beautiful maiden named Kumudavalli. The parents were worried about finding a suitable bridegroom for their daughter. Friends of Neelan mentioned to him about the extraordinary beauty of Kumudavalli. Neelan rushed to the house of the parents of Kumudavalli and requested the father to give his daughter away as his bride. The father asked his daughter
Neelan was smitten with love for Kumudavalli and agreed to her conditions. He went to the Sannidhi of ThirunaRayUr PerumAL and prayed for SamAsrayaNa BhAgyam. ThirunaRayUr Nampi consented and pressed the disc and conch on the shoulders of Neelan, presented ThirumaNN Kaappu and initiated Neelan into the meaning of Thirumanthiram. All of these happenings were not visible to the archakAs and the sEvArthis of ThirunarayUr Nampi. Neelan was blessed to receive SamAsrayaNam from the very hands of the Lord and returned home as a Sri VishNavan, wedded Kumudavalli and began the TadhiyArAdhana kaimkaryams. The spies of ChOLa RaajA reported that Neelan was spending a lot of the revenues due to the
Kumudavalli Devi with Neelan
Next Morning, Thirumangai proceeded to Kaanchi with a court servant, worshipped Lord VaradarAjan and dug up the treasure pointed out by the Lord. He returned the funds used from the treasury of the king for TadhiyArAdhanams and used the rest of the funds for the future Kaimkaryam. Soon the extra funds from Kaanchi were used up and Thirumangai had shortage of funds to carry on his TadhiyArAdhanam. With the counsel of the ministers (asAdhubhyO arTam aadhAya Saadhubhyas sampracchathi), Thirumangai appropriated funds from avaishNavAs and fed the VaishNavAs. Thirumangai did not touch any VaishNava dhanam. One day, Thirumangai did not encounter any avaishNavAs to gather money for the TadhiyArAdhanam and was very sad about the interruption to his Kaimkaryam. The Dhivya Dampathis saw the plight of their Bhakthan and appeared before him as a rich avaishNava, newly-wedded couple. Thirumangai was happy to see them adorned with rich jewellery and ornaments. He robbed them and put all his plunderings in a box and tried to lift that box so he can go back to his village. Thirumangai could not lift that box, however much he tried. He was angry and thought that the bridegroom had cast a spell that made the box unliftable. Thirumangai drew his sword and demanded that the bridegroom reveal to him the manthram that he (the Bridegroom) had used to make that box super heavy. The bridegroom laughed and addressed Thirumangai as “Namm KaliyA" and asked Kaliyan to come closer so that he can repeat the manthram into Kaliyan's ears. Lord Sriman NaarAyaNa recited the Moola Manthram in the ears of Kaliyan and blessed him with His Sevai with MahA Lakshmi and His parijanams. Thirumangai Mannan became at that instant Thirumangai AzhwAr and performed SaraNAgathi at the sacred feet of the Dhivya dampathis. The AanandhAnubhava PravAham of Thirumangai found its release through Six Prabhandhams, which serve as the six angams for the four Tamizh vedams of Swamy NammAzhwAr. These Six prabhandhams set in the four modes of poetry known as Aasu, Chithram, Madhuram and Vistharam and earned him the name of Naalu Kavi perumAL. These six prabhandhams extolling Bhagavath GuNAnubhavam, SaraNAgathi and Bhagavath-BhAgavatha kaimkaryams are: