VPS hosting. Dedicated Server. Tricks of providersVPS hosting If you want to learn how to buy VPS hosting and purchase hosting due to the fact that the old platform has become very small for your site, then you should pay attention to VPS hosting. It is a virtual server that is created inside a physical server. That is, an OS and a program for creating dedicated virtual servers are installed on a physical server. Each resource is allocated a separate virtual server with a specific amount of resources. And, $1 Hosting is also the best of all. Dedicated Server A dedicated server (VDS) is a real physical server that is placed at your complete disposal. The capabilities of such a server are several times higher than VPS hosting. Of course, its price is also significantly higher. Why buy such an expensive and powerful car? Inside this server, you can create an unlimited number of virtual dedicated servers for your own sites. Or offer Cheap Reseller Hosting services to other webmasters. Tricks of providers 1. A short test period or its complete absence. Unwillingness to provide special time to get acquainted with the work of hosting may indicate poor quality of services. 2. Outdated software. Old versions of the software are easily susceptible to hacking, so the information of your resource will definitely not be safe on this hosting. 3. Technical support. During the test period, it is mandatory to check the quality of the technical support service. After asking a few questions and evaluating the adequacy and responsiveness of the answers, you can easily draw conclusions. 4. Unlimited hosting. As mentioned above, the resources of virtual hosting, unfortunately, are limited. Therefore, "unlimited hosting" is a common advertising move.