The Coalition ForcesThe Coalition Forces The Invasion of Kuwait took the world mostly by surprise; the first priority was a rapid build up of forces in Saudi Arabia. This proved problematic for the Saudi's as they wanted US/Western forces to defeat the Iraqi's yet this would mean a great many westerners camped out in a strictly Moslem country. The US estimated a build up would take three months for although light equipment could be flown in, most of the heavy equipment including the MBT's had to be shipped in. foolishly Saddam allowed the coalition this time, leaving the Airfields and ports in Saudi Arabia unmolested. At the time the US did not know this and quickly rushed in combat troops (airborne) and tank killing helicopters. Coalition airpower also rapidly increased, by 11th August RAF Tornado F3 and Jaguar aircraft had arrived, but airpower cannot hold ground and ground troops and tanks were badly need in case of an Iraqi invasion. A Coalition was formed and troops from all over the world started to arrive. This wide spread of nations was vital if the war was to be seen as just not just a war by the US against an Arab state. This build up was Operation Desert Shield. In the up coming offensive the ground element was to be Operation Desert Sword and the British element Desert Saber. At first British involvement was the 7th Arm Brigade (2 Armored Regts and 1 Stafford's with Warriors) this was to support the USMC but later British forces were increased to an Armored Division by the addition of the 4th Arm Bde and support troops such as medics and large numbers of artillery 3 M109 regts , 1 M110 Regt and 1 MRLS Regt giving the British contingent a heavy punch. This would give us greater flexibility and a bigger role to play in the up coming battles. The British Commander was General Sir Peter De la Billere. Coalition forces eventually numbered over 500,000, with large numbers of Arab allies such as Syrians and Egyptians. Various plans were put forward, including some very silly ones such as a 500 mile drop of paratroopers behind the lines and an armored link up as in Operation Market Garden, General Schwarzkopf was under pressure to attack early but he refused until he had all the heavy equipment he needed.