Guess the food
Guess the food
A. In groups take turns to think of a vegetable or fruit and answer ten questions without naming a vegetable/fruit.
B. After each question, one of the others in the group will have a go at guessing what vegetable/fruit is.
C. Whoever gets it right wins points – 10 on the first guess, 9 - on the second , and so on... Good Luck J

1. Can it be boiled?
2. Is it countable or uncountable?
3. Does it grow in the ground?
4. Can you eat it raw?
5. Is it bitter or sweet?
6. Do people eat a lot of them/it
in the UK/ USA/ Poland?
7. What do you eat it with?
8. How big is it?
9. What colour is it?
10. What is it first letter?