Medical Insurance FormMedical Insurance Form Name: Mr/Mrs/Miss Surname - _____ First name(s) - _____ Male/Female Address: Number - _____ Street - _____ Town/city - _____ County - _____ Postcode - _____ Tel no: Area code - _____ Number - _____ Occupation - _____ Age last birthday - _____
Ex.4. FILL IN THE FORM (B) Interview your partner and complete the form with your partner’s information.
Ex.5 TRANSLITERATION RULES (A) Study the most difficult cases of transliteration and try to find your own examples to illustrate them: ае – aye (Абдулаева - Abdulayeva) ай – ai (Николай - Nikolai) ая – aya (Каджая - Kadzhaya) в – v (Васин - Vasin, Буров - Burov) е – ye, e (Егор - Yegor, Горев - Gorev) ее – eye (Евсеев - Yevseyev) ей – ei (Сергей - Sergei) ё – yo, e (Пётр - Pyotr, Плетнёв - Pletnev) ж – zh (Окуджава - Okudzhava) з – z (Зина - Zina, Кузин - Kuzin) ий – y, i, iy (Геннадий - Gennady, Юрий – Yuri, Великий Новгород – Velikiy Novgorod) ое – oye (Доенин - Doyenin) ой – oi, oy (Войков - Voikov, Толстой - Tolstoy) ф – f (Фёдор - Fyodor) х – kh (Махмутов - Makhmutov) ц – ts (Цветков - Tsvetkov) ч – ch (Сильченко – Sil’chenko) ш – sh (Мелишвили - Melishvili) щ – shch (Рощин - Roshchin) ье – ye (Васильев - Vasilyev) ья – ya (Ульянов - Ulyanov) ы – y (Быков - Bykov) э – e (Энтин - Entin) ю – yu (Юрий - Yuri) я – ya (Джигарханян - Dzhigarkhanyan)
Ex.6. TRANSLITERATION RULES (B) Give English equivalents for the following words: 1) Кольцов 2) Хомченко 3) Байжицкий 4) Ермолаева 5) Ярославль 6) Возжин 7) Мэркин 8) Быковецкий 9) Щавелюк 10) Шукшин 11) Сеченов 12) Петрозаводск 13) Пушкин 14) Гречанова 15) Юдашкин
Ex.7. CURRICULUM VITAE (A) Read Nancy Mann’s letter of application to Worldwatch Hospital. Put one of these words into each gap: took, studied, worked, saw, travelled, interested. Nancy Mann 17 Hillside Road Chesswood WD3 5LB Tel. 01923 284171 Fax. 01923 286622 David Benton Worldwatch 357 Ferry Street Basingstoke RG2 5HP
Dear Mr. Benton, I _____ your advertisement for a doctor of the department of Surgery in today’s Medicine for Everyone newspaper. I am very _____ in the job and I think that I have many of the necessary skills. I _____ medicine and modern languages at Medical University in London. I _____ widely in Europe and South America and I _____ as a family doctor and surgeon in Norway and the USA. I _____ part in some international scientific conferences. I enclose a copy of my curriculum vitae. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Please let me know if you need more information. Yours sincerely, Nancy Mann