Составители: старшие преподаватели кафедры иностранных языков Санкт-Петербургской Государственной Педиатрической Медицинской Академии Дайнеко М.Ю., Мордвинова Н.А.
Рецензент: доцент факультета иностранных языков РГПУ им. Герцена, кандидат педагогических наук Макаричева В.Д.
Ответственный редактор: заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков Санкт-Петербургской Государственной Педиатрической Медицинской Академии кандидат филологических наук доцент Могилёва И.И.
Отдельную благодарность за предоставленный материал авторы выражают старшему преподавателю кафедры иностранных языков Санкт-Петербургской Государственной Педиатрической Медицинской Академии Гальфанович И.Л.
Учебное пособие “Getting Started” предназначено для студентов 1 курса педиатрического, лечебного, стоматологического факультетов, а также факультетов клинической психологии, сестринского дела, биофизики и является вводным курсом для постепенного перехода к основным учебным пособиям, чтению специальной литературы и работе с текстом в соответствии с современными тенденциями реализации системы учебных действий. Основной целью данного методического пособия является формирование у студентов умения использовать английский язык как средство профессионального общения и самообразования. При составлении авторы руководствовались основными положениями современной методики и психологии, предусматривающими развитие навыков извлечения и обработки информации из иноязычного источника, а также умения вести работу с деловыми бумагами. Структурной единицей данного пособия является раздел, содержащий различные виды лексических и грамматических языковых упражнений, объединенных единой тематикой, а именно: «Я – студент-медик», «Деловая переписка», «Мой рабочий день», «СПбГПМА», «Моя будущая профессия». Задания к текстам направлены на закрепление и активизацию лексического минимума и развитие навыков устной речи, а грамматические упражнения способствуют развитию навыков чтения и перевода.
UNIT 1 I AM A MEDICAL STUDENT Ex.1. Read and translate the following text. What sentences can be used to describe your admission to the University and your new life here? LETTER OF A MEDICAL STUDENT TO HER FRIEND Petrova Anna Room 65 Hostel 1 Kantemirovskaya Street, 16 Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University Saint Petersburg – 194100 Russia Mary Smith London University September 15, 2010 London, UK IG324 8MK
Hi, Mary! Guess what? I’ve made it! I’d like to tell you that I am a first year student! In six years I’ll graduate from the University (I study at Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University) and start treating children and may be grown up people as well. I will be a pediatrician, which means “children’s doctor”. But pediatricians learn adult diseases too, so I hope to be able to treat adult people as well as children. I may become a family doctor. Or perhaps I will take a post-graduate course, write a thesis and become a medical scientist. I might also take a residency to get a specialization in some field of medicine, so that I could be a surgeon, or a psychiatrist, or a neurologist, or an ophthalmologist (an eye doctor). Anyway, my duty will be to treat people and fight against different diseases. How was it? Pretty difficult. The competition was hard, you know, it was three to one. In June I took Standard State Exams in Russian and Math (which were obligatory) and a few optional ones and finished school. I had to work really hard for my Standard State Examinations in Biology and Chemistry to pass them with good results. Then I received my Certificate of General Education, arranged all my affairs to be admitted to a medical school, applied to the University and became a candidate. I’ve always wished to be a doctor, you know. I was lucky with the exams’ score, so my wish came true: I was admitted to the University. There are ten students in our group, and we are all girls. All of us attend our classes regularly so far. I try to take notes of all the lectures. I think we must not miss the lectures. Otherwise we might get bad marks and be called to the Dean’s office. It’s not pleasant. For bad progress in our studies we can lose stipend. Most of us get stipends. There is a good library at the University where we can take most of the necessary textbooks. There is a café where we can have lunch, but it is so small and it’s often overcrowded. We all take an active part in the University social life. The first-year curriculum is very complicated. We study many subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy, History of Medicine, Culture of Russia, Latin language, a foreign language, Math. Anatomy is the most important subject. The timetable includes six periods of Anatomy weekly. I am greatly interested in Anatomy, we work much in the dissecting room. In Biology and Chemistry we carry out experiments and sometimes receive interesting findings. I also pay much attention to my English, as I think knowledge of foreign languages is necessary nowadays. Later I am going to join a Students’ Scientific Society at a department of the University. Senior students carry out research there and make reports at the Students’ Scientific Conferences. This work gives them better knowledge of medicine, especially practical one. I live in a University dormitory now, with three other girls. They are great! We’ve already made friends. We usually go to the University together. It takes us ten minutes to get to the University on foot. I spend all my free time with my new friends. We walk along the streets of this beautiful city, go to the theatres, museums, youth clubs and sometimes arrange parties. I miss my family and schoolmates, I feel like talking to them about everything. I expect to go home for my winter vacation very much. Hoping to hear from you soon. Yours, Anna.
Ex.2. Complete the following table:
Ex.3. Find in the text the following sentences: 1) Мы уже подружились. 2) Я всегда хотела стать доктором. 3) Нам требуется десять минут, чтобы добраться до Университета пешком. 4) Анатомия – самый важный предмет. 5) Я напишу диссертацию и стану учёным в области медицины. 6) Но педиатры изучают также взрослые болезни. 7) Я думаю, что знание иностранных языков сейчас необходимо. 8) Меня приняли в Университет. 9) Я стараюсь конспектировать все лекции. 10)Нас в группе десять человек.
Ex.4. Study the tables and check yourself: ENGLISH TENSES. ACTIVE VOICE
Check yourself: 1) Anna usually _____ by bus once or twice a week. a) go b) goes c) is going 2) How _____ at the moment? Better than before? a) you are feeling b) do you feel c) are you feeling 3) The Professor is away on holiday. He _____ to Spain. a) is gone b) has gone c) has been 4) That bag with your textbooks seems heavy. _____ you with it. a) I am helping b) I help c) I will help 5) They _____ out after the lecture in Anatomy and they have just come back. a) went b) have gone c) are gone 6) You are out of breath. _____ ? a) Are you running b) Have you run c) Have you been running 7) We are good friends. We _____ each other for a long time. a) know b) have known c) have been knowing 8) – Helen is in hospital. - Yes, I know. _____ her tomorrow. a) I visit b) I visited c) I will visit 9) Yesterday afternoon Anna _____ to the station to meet her friend. a) went b) go c) will go 10)Anna usually _____ her parents on Fridays. a) phoned b) phones c) is phoning
Ex.5. What tense is used in each of these sentences? 1) I will take a post-graduate course. 2) We usually go to the University together. 3) I have always wished to be a doctor. 4) It takes us twenty minutes to get to the University by bus. 5) I am studying English now. 6) They had been working in the dissecting room for 2 hours yesterday when senior students came. 7) We have already made friends. 8) She will be carrying out a very interesting experiment tomorrow at 1 o’clock. 9) All of us took the Unified (Standard) State Exams in Russian and Math. 10)He has been waiting for her letter for two weeks.
Ex.6. Give the translation of the following sentences: 1) Я буду педиатром. 2) Я учусь в СПбГПМУ. 3) Он станет хирургом. 4) Он поступит в аспирантуру. 5) В июне я закончила школу. 6) Мы изучаем много предметов. 7) Я буду учить анатомию завтра в 5. 8) Я получила аттестат о среднем образовании в июне. 9) Я уделяю внимание английскому языку. 10)Я выучу третью главу к понедельнику.
Ex.7. Study the tables: WORD ORDER (Порядок слов) SIMPLE SENTENCE (Простое предложение) AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE SENTENCE (Утвердительное и отрицательное предложние)
INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES (Вопросительные предложения) GENERAL QUESTION (Общий вопрос)
1) Yes, we do. We always speak English at the lesson. 2) No, he didn’t. He didn’t finish the work. He will finish it tomorrow. 3) Yes, she was. I saw her at the territory of the University.
SPECIAL QUESTIONS (Специальные вопросы) The teacher delivered an interesting lecture to the students yesterday.
Continue the list of possible special questions to the given sentence using the following words of interrogation: where, why, what for, how, how long, how many, how much, which, how far, how often.
ALTERNATIVE QUESTION (Альтернативный вопрос) 1) Do you study English or French? – I study English. Do you or does your brother study at St.Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University? – My brother does. 2) When will you study Anatomy: in the morning or in the afternoon? – I’ll do it in the morning. What subject are you studying: Anatomy or Chemistry? – Anatomy, of course.
DISJUNCTIVE QUESTION (Разделительный вопрос) You speak English, don't you? Yes, I do. You don’t speak English, do you? No, I don’t.
Ex.8. What types of questions are used below? 1) We are students, aren’t we? 2) Do they study at Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University? 3) What subjects do we study? 4) Will I get a specialization in surgery or neurology? 5) Where can students get most of the necessary textbooks? 6) Is Anatomy the most important subject? 7) She was lucky with the exams’ score, wasn’t she? 8) Did they receive their Certificates of General Education? 9) Does this work give them better knowledge in theoretical or practical medicine? 10)Who is greatly interested in Chemistry?
Ex.9. Compose different types of questions to the following sentences: 1) We study many subjects. 2) Pediatricians learn adult diseases too. 3) She is greatly interested in Anatomy. 4) I will graduate from the University in six years. 5) I have always wished to be a doctor. 6) We live in a University dormitory with three other girls. 7) There is a good library at the University. 8) I got my Certificate of General Education in June. 9) I will be a pediatrician. 10)We are good friends.
Ex.10. Study the following information and give the translation of the sentences below:
1) Я являюсь студентом-первокурсником Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Медицинского Педиатрического Университета. 2) Я буду доктором через шесть лет. 3) Я был школьником в прошлом году. 4) Конкурс на поступление был высокий. 5) Мои соседи в общежитии университета замечательные. 6) Он будет невропатологом. 7) Мы – хорошие студенты. 8) Она будет членом СНО на кафедре Анатомии. 9) Они уже не дети. 10)Ты будешь психиатром.
UNIT 2 CORRESPONDENCE Ex.1. TYPING MISTAKES (A) The letters E, T and A are the most frequent letters in English texts. In this text they all have been replaced by the letter X. Work out what the text says and write it correctly. 75 Norxh Squxrx Clifdon CL31 7PR Xhx Royxl Hoxxl Church Roxd Novxmbxr 25xh 2010 Hillborough H125 7RJ
Dxxr Sir/Mxdxm, Plxxsx, rxsxrvx in my nxmx x singlx room wixh bxxh/showxr for xhx nighx of Wxdnsdxy Dxcxmbxr 18xh. I will sxxy in your xown xo xxkx pxrx in Mxdicxl Scixnxific Confxrxncx which is hxld xnnuxlly. Plxxsx, xlso lxt mx know if you xllow dogs in xhx hoxxl xs minx will probxbly bx xrxvxlling wixh mx. Yours fxixhfully, John Smixh Docxor of Mxdicinx
Ex.2. TYPING MISTAKES (B) This text is the reply to the text above. It has twelve typing mistakes in it. Find them and correct them. The Royal Hotel Church Road Hillborough H125 7RJ Mr. John Smith 75 North Square November 27th 2010 Clifdon CL31 7PR
Dear Mr. Smith, Think you for your letter off November 25th. I have been a hotel managor for fourty years and have never had any problems with dogs. - Dogs have never fallen asleeep with cigarettes in in their hands and burnt their beds. - Dogs have never stolen towels from there rooms. - Dogs have never payd their bils with bad cheques. Your dog will be welcome. Yours sincerely, J.T.Brown Manager P.S. If your dog promises that you wil not cause any problems, you, dear Doctor, will be wellcome two.
Ex.3. FILL IN THE FORM (A) Read the dialogue and complete the form: Carol: Good morning, Medical Insurance Company . My name’s Carol. How can I help you? X: Hello. I’d like a quotation for health insurance. Carol: Certainly, sir. Can I take some details, please? What’s your surname? X: It’s Allenson. Carol: Could you spell that, please? X: Yes, it’s A-double L-E-N-S-O-N. Carol: And what’s your first name, Mr. Allenson? X: Geoffrey. Carol: Is that with a J? X: No, it’s the other spelling. G-E-O-double F-R-E-Y. Carol: Thank you. And what’s your address, Mr. Allenson? X: It’s 95 Sirdar Street. That’s S-I-R-D-A-R. Carol: And where’s that? X: It’s in Harrop, Kent. Carol: How do you spell Harrop? X: It’s H-A-double R-O-P. And that’s in Kent. Carol: And what’s the postcode, please? X: It’s HA19 7ZQ. Carol: HA19 7ZQ? X: That’s right. Carol: And the telephone number with the area code first, please? X: The area code is 01469 and the number is 387 double 5 double 3. Carol: Thank you. How old are you, Mr. Allenson? X: I’m 24. Carol: And what’s your occupation? X: I’m a shop assistant. Carol: Fine. Now, can I have some more details on the points of the agreement…