Competition. Team plan. Current status. First 12 months. Initial funding ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 9 Competition What are the alternative approaches? Who are the main competitors? Why your solution is better and represents the best value to your clients?
10 Team plan % of ownership role of each founder Possible other planned resources, their roles, and competencies Timeline of building up the team
11 Current status Describe what you have done so far and what is ready by now? Do you have any existing intellectual property concerning your business idea (e.g. designs, source code, algorithms, business models, etc.)? Specify. Do you or your team already have registered intellectual property (e.g. patents, trademarks, etc.)? Specify. Who has the ownership and title to the intellectual property? Do you already have any demos, prototypes, customer contacts, plans for piloting, installed pilots, initial deals, etc.?
12 First 12 months What is your plan for the first 12 months of operation? Describe the main tasks and activities of your initial plan. What will be ready after the first year? Be specific.
13 Initial funding What is your plan to fund the seed phase of your company? What is your estimated need for funding for the first year of operation? Show a rough cost breakdown. How do you plan to secure the necessary funds?