Finnish Startup Permit Eligibility Statement Request
1 Instructions Before submitting the Finnish Startup Permit application to the Finnish Immigration Service, you must request an Eligibility Statement from Innovation Funding Agency Business Finland. There are no set deadlines for submitting the request. Please read carefully the instructions on the Business Finland web site at https://businessfinland.fi/en/startuppermit/ Use this template to describe your business plan. Follow the instructions in each chapter. In order to be eligible for the Finnish Startup Permit the founders must have a concrete plan to setup a fast growth startup company in Finland. Business Finland assesses, whether the business model, team and resources shows potential for rapid international growth. The assessment will mainly be based on the information provided in this document and in its attachments. If you have additional prepared material that could be useful for evaluating your business plan, please feel free to include any such material as an attachment.
How to submit? Submit your Eligibility Statement Request to Business Finland using the secure e-mail service available at:
When sending the document, please select Other issue in the Message Subject: drop down menu and write the text Eligibility Statement Request in the text box underneath. Then fill in the mandatory fields on the page, attach the relevant documents, and hit the Send button.