Founders. Mandatory attachments. Business idea. Approach – Offering. Approach - Go to market plan. Benefit2 Founders Fill in names, nationalities, and passport numbers of each founder. List the main contact first. Include the e-mail address of the main contact. The main contact must be one of the founders. All communication between Business Finland and the applicants takes place via the main contact. To add rows to the table set the cursor to the last cell and hit the TAB key.
E-mail address of the main contact: Telephone number of the main contact:
Other founders
3 Mandatory attachments Provide the requested attachments as separate files. Do not include in this file. 1. Good quality scanned copies of the passports of all founders. Business Finland must be able to identify the persons based on the passport copy. 2. CVs of all founders
4 Business idea Short executive summary style description of the business idea. Elevator pitch.
5 Need What is a customer need you plan to satisfy? The need should relate to an important and specific client or market opportunity. State clearly the targeted market.
6 Approach – Offering What is your compelling solution to the specific customer need Describe the product and/or service you plan to develop What is your business model?
7 Approach - Go to market plan Describe the accessible market and the market size you are aiming at What is your go to market plan? What is you long term growth opportunity and plan?
8 Benefit Describe the concrete and unique benefit your approach provides to your clients. Quantify the benefit.