Homework. Follow-upHomework 1) Assign your students the following Quizlet set to practice the active vocabulary in context: https://quizlet.com/_7t0vf5?x=1qqt&i=1eu34v 2) Ask the students to shadow the speaker – read the text together with the speaker, imitating their pronunciation and intonation, and keeping up with the pace. This should be done at least 3 times. 3) After that, the students have to record themselves reading the text aloud and send the recording to the teacher. You will definitely hear how well they’ve worked with the text.
Follow-up As a nice follow-up activity on a similar topic, you could go for this podcast by BBC Learning English: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/6-minute-english/ep-191219