Camping. Teaching Notes and Answer Key. Before telling the students to read and listen to the text, show them the pre-reading questions. If you have a group of students, you can divide them into pairs. Otherwise, you could discuss the together.. It’s bestCamping Teaching Notes and Answer Key Before telling the students to read and listen to the text, show them the pre-reading questions. If you have a group of students, you can divide them into pairs. Otherwise, you could discuss the together. It’s best to ask the students to read and listen to the text as homework, but you can also do it in class. You can adjust the vocabulary tasks in Part 3 and decide whether you do them in class or assign them as homework. Below you can see the vocabulary questions for Task 2 in Part 2. Please find the answer key to all of the tasks on Page 3. Please find the homework suggestions at the end of the Answer Key (together with a link to a Quizlet set). You can choose whether to assign those tasks between the lessons or after all of the vocabulary and speaking work is done. Task 2. 1) Do you ‘get’, ‘spend’, or ‘pass’ time outdoors? How much time do you spend outdoors every week? 2) What’s the difference between ‘outdoors’ and ‘outside’? What activities can you engage in outdoors? 3) Do you spend time ‘in front of’ a computer or ‘before’ a computer? How much time do you spend in front of a computer every day? 4) Do we say ‘put a lot of pressure on’ or ‘put a lot of tension on’? What puts pressure on the prefrontal cortex, according to the article? 5) Do you ‘solve’ or ‘deal with’ problems? Do you ‘make’, ‘do’ or ‘take’ a decision? What are critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills? 6) How can you give your brain a rest? What other collocations with ‘rest’ can you think of? 7) What does ‘time off work ‘mean? How often do you usually take time off? What do you call it if it’s only one or two days? What’s the difference with ‘a weekend’? 8) What does ‘escape’ mean? Why and where from might people escape? 9) Do you say ‘feel easy’, ‘feel at easy’, or ‘feel at ease’? What does this expression mean? Can you remember the last time you felt at ease? What may help people feel at ease? 10) What is ‘solitude’? What kind of people might enjoy ‘solitude’? Is it possible to find solitude in today’s world? If yes, how? 11) Do you say ‘exposure of’ or ‘exposure to’? Give some examples of collocations with this word. 12) Do you ‘calm’ or ‘calm down’ the brain? How can you calm the brain? How can you use the collocation ‘calm down’? What doesn’t calm the brain and only makes it more anxious and active? 13) What is the opposite of ‘improve productivity’? What things can improve and affect your personal productivity? Can focusing on one task improve your productivity? 14) What are your surroundings? 15) Is self-confidence always a good thing? Give examples of a positive and a negative kind of self-confidence. 16) Do you say ‘adverse surroundings’ or ‘an adverse environment’? Give examples of ‘an adverse environment’ in the nature and at work. 17) Are you good at anticipating what you’ll need on a vacation or on a short trip? 18) What does ‘challenging’ mean? What words does it collocate with? Do you think challenging situations are good for people? 19) What are the health benefits of exercising/having a healthy diet/ not smoking/ sleeping well?