Ex. XVI a), р. 92. Ex. XVII, р. 92Ex. XVI a), р. 92 1. How much coffee is there in the coffeepot? – There is much coffee in the coffeepot. 2. How much water is there in the glass? – There is much water in the glass. 3. How much salt is there in the soup? – There is little salt in the soup. 4. How much money is there in the bag? – There is little money in the bag. 5. How much tea is there in the teapot? – There is little tea in the teapot. 6. How much butter is there on the plate? – There is little butter on the plate.
Ex. XVII, р. 92 A.
1. There is a picture on the wall. There is a clock on the wall. There is a blackboard on the wall. There are potatoes on the table. There are books on the table. There is milk in the jug. There is butter on the plate. There is salt on the table. There is a sentence (written) on the blackboard. 2. The picture is on wall. The clock is on the wall. The blackboard is on the wall. The boxes are on the table. The bags are on the table. The books are on the table. The milk is in the jug. The butter is on the plate. The salt is on the table. The sentence is (written) on the blackboard. 3. There is a lamp on the table. The lamp is on the table. There are newspapers on the table. The newspapers are on the table. There is a car in the street. The car is in the street. There is a sofa near the wall. The sofa is near the wall. There are pencils in the box. The pencils are in the box. 4. There is no book on the chair. The book is not on the chair. There is no hat on the chair. The hat is not on the chair. There is no exercise-book on the chair. The exercise-book is not on the chair. There is no pen in the box The pen is not in the box. There is no money in the bag. The money is not in the bag. 5. There are not three but four books in the bag. There are not five but six pencils in the bag. There are not two pens but one in the bag. 6. It’s just the time for dinner. It’s just the time for tea.
1. This is my room. There is a table in the middle of the room. There is a jug on the table. There is milk in the jug. There is butter on the plate. 2. Let Benny sit down to table. It’s just the time for breakfast. The milk is in the jug. The butter is on the plate. The knife is near the plate. Where is the bread? The bread is in the sideboard. 3. Where is the magazine? There is no magazine on the table. The magazine is not on the table but on the chair. 4. There is no pen in the box. The pen is not in the box but in the table. 5. Where is the money? There is no money in the bag. Your money is not in the bag. It is on the table. 6. Are there many exercise books in your bag? – No, there are not many, two or three. – Is there much chalk on the board? – Yes, there is, I think so. 7. Are there many houses in your street? – Yes, there are. There are many beautiful new houses in our street. – Are there many flowers in your park? – Not so many, but I like them very much.