Нагарджуна, Мадхьямака, шуньята ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 Нагарджуна, Мадхьямака, шуньята The Concept of the Pure Land in Nāgārjuna's Doctrine 1966 Emptiness : A Study in Religious Meaning by Frederick J. Streng 1970 Nāgārjuna's Philosophy by K. Venkata Ramanan 1970 On Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism by D. T. Suzuki 1970 Early Mādhyamika in India and China by Richard H. Robinson 1970 Nihilism and Śūnyatā 1971 Nihilism and Śūnyatā (continued) 1972 The Standpoint of Śūnyatā (concluded) 1973 Nihilism and Śūnyatā (concluded) 1972 The Process of Ultimate Transformation in Nāgārjuna's Mādhyamika 1978 The Standpoint of Śūnyatā 1973
Культура и искусство Zen Painting by Yasuichi Awakawa 1970 The Comic Perspective in Zen Literature and Art 1972 Zen and Fine Arts by Hisamatsu Shin'ichi 1972 Tibetan Sacred Art. By Detlef Ingo Lauf 1977 Art in Japanese Esoteric Buddhism by Sawa Takaaki 1972
Монголия, тантрический буддизм Tāntric Buddhism and Shingon Buddhism 1969 The Northern Frontiers of the Buddhist World 1970 Travels in Mongolia 1970