Историографические обзоры. Китайский буддизм. Ранний буддизм, Махаяна
The Eastern Buddhist 1960-1970-е гг.
Историографические обзоры A Brief Survey of Buddhist Studies in Post-War Japan 1966 Thirty Years of Buddhist Studies by Edward Conze 1970 A Brief History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and America (Part I) 1974 A Brief History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and America (Part II) 1974 A Survey of Tibetan Buddhist Studies 1977 Recent Publications on Zen in France 1972
Китайский буддизм Чань On The Hekigan Roku (“Blue Cliff Records”) 1965 The Life of Lin-chi I-hsüan 1972 Chinese Poetry and Zen 1973 The Sayings of Rinzai, A Conversation between Suzuki Daisetz & Ueda Shizuteru The Records of the Life of Ch'an Master Pai-chang Huai-hai 1975 The Meaning of Hīnayāna in Northern Ch'an 1978 Чистая земля The Meaning of Salvation in the Doctrine of Pure Land Buddhism 1965 Nembutsu in the Chinese Pure Land Tradition 1970 The Ching-t'u Shih-i-lun (Ten Doubts Concerning the Pure Land) 1973 A Short Essay on the Pure Land by Dharma Master T'an-luan 1975 Introduction to the “T'ien-t'ai ssu-chiao-i” 1976 Хуаянь Dharmadhātu - An Introduction to Hua-yen Buddhism 1979 Прочее An Inquiry into Wang Yang-ming's Four-Sentence Teaching 1974 Folk Buddhist Religion: Dissenting Sects in Late Traditional China. By Daniel L. Overmyer 1977 The Stone Scripturers of Fang-shan 1979 The Mahāyānization of the Chinese Dhyāna Tradition 1977
Ранний буддизм, Махаяна Gotama's Early Psychological Experimentation 1966 Madhyāntavibhāga-Bhāṣa: A Buddhist Philosophical Treatise Edited for the First Time from a Sanskrit Manuscript by Gajin M. Nagao 1966 Sukhāvatīvyūha ed. by Atsuuji Ashikaga 1966 Studien zum Mahāprajñāpāramitā (upadeśa) śāstra by Saigusa Mitsuyoshi 1970 L'Enseignement de Vimalakīrti (Vimalakīrtinirdeśa) 1972 The Early Buddhist Notion of the Middle Path 1979 The Vimalakīrti-Nirdeśa Sūtra by Charles Luk 1973 The Oldest Mahāyāna Sūtra: Its Significance for the Study of Buddhist Development The Lion's Roar of Queen Śrīmālā Translated by Alex and Hideko Wayman 1976 The Short Prajñāpāramitā Texts Translated by Edward Conze 1976 The Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇā-sūtra Translated by Koshō Yamamoto 1976 Dharmākara Bodhisattva 1965 The Holy Teaching of Vimalakīrti : A Mahāyāna Scripture. Translated by Robert A. F. Thurman; and The Teaching of Vimalakīrti. By Étienne Lamotte 1978 The Saddhā Concept in Buddhism 1978 Causality: The Central Philosophy of Buddhism. By David J. Kalupahana. Buddhist Philosophy: A Historical Analysis. By the same author 1978 On the Theory of Buddha-body 1973