Game 2: Choose the Correct Transition
Video 7 Language focus Transitions Hello. In this video, we will talk about transitions, words like also, although, and therefore. We will define the word transition, discuss different purposes of transitions, and decide how to choose a transition in your writing or speech. Transitions are important to understand and use because they help to organize what you are writing and saying so that your audience can better understand you. So what are transitions? Transitions are words that connect different ideas in your writing and speech, like a bridge connects one city to another. A transition gives the reader a bridge from one of your ideas to the next. Some examples of transitions include also, therefore, furthermore, on the contrary, finally, next, and many, many more. There are many different types of transitions that have different purposes. In this video, we will discuss the following purposes: to add, to contrast, and to show cause and effect. Let's take a closer look at the different purposes of transitions. The first one is to add. Transitions in this category connect ideas that are similar. Such transitions include additionally, in addition, also, and furthermore. Let's look at an example. Imagine you want to connect these two sentences. Bias in the media can occur from omission. Bias by placement may occur in the media. These two ideas are similar. They both are discussing ways the bias in the media can occur. Therefore, to connect these two ideas, we can use a transition from our two add list. We can say, "Bias in the media can occur from omission. In addition, bias by placement may occur in the media."
Next, we will discuss transitions that contrast ideas. These transitions connect ideas that are different or opposite. Some examples of to contrast transitions include on the other hand, in contrast, although, and conversely. For example, perhaps, we want to connect these two sentences: Company X only advertises their products on television. Company Y only advertises on the internet. While both of these sentences discuss advertising, the focus is on the way they advertise. The way they advertise is different. Company X uses television and Company Y uses the internet. Therefore, we would combine these sentences using a transition that contrasts to ideas such as on the other hand. The last group of transitions we will discuss are those transitions whose purpose is to explain that one idea or event caused the other. These cause and effect transitions include therefore, consequently and as a result. Let's look at an example. Think about the relationship between the following two sentences. Many people now use social media. Companies have begun to advertise using social media. What is the relationship between these two sentences? Why have companies started to advertise on social media? Because many people use it. In other words, many people started to use social media caused advertisers to start to use social media to advertise their products. Therefore, we should use a cause and effect transition. We would say, "Many people now use social media. As a result, companies have begun to advertise using social media." As we have shown in our examples, to choose the correct transition in your writing or speech, you must think about the two ideas you want to connect. What is the relationship between the two ideas or statements? Are they similar? Are they opposites? The relationship between your two ideas will tell you which transition to choose.
Let's summarize. Transitions help you connect your ideas, so that your audience can understand your thoughts better. Transitions have different purposes. Some purposes include to add, to contrast, and to show cause and effect. To know what transition to choose, ask yourself, what is the relationship between my two ideas? Now, try a game to practice using these transitions.
Game 2: Choose the Correct Transition