plenty of food is grown in this region, some people still go hungry in the city._________ plenty of food is grown in this region, some people still go hungry in the city.
Although 1 балл 2.Вопрос 2 Hunger is just one of the problems with food right now. _________, there are sometimes problems with the quality of food for sale in the city.
Additionally 1 балл 3.Вопрос 3 ___________ of these issues, citizens are demanding that the city government take some sort of action.
as a result 1 балл 4.Вопрос 4 Working with the government is one approach to these issues. _________, some citizens have started their own organization that will distribute free food to people who can't afford to buy it.
therefore 1 балл 5.Вопрос 5 Reika thinks that these organizations are a bad idea because it should be only the government's responsibility to help. ____________, Haruna thinks that both the government and citizens should help.
In contrast 1 балл 6.Вопрос 6 The problems with food have been getting more coverage on social media recently. __________, more people are volunteering to help. ________, more people are giving money to fight these problems. Consequently .... In addition 1 балл 7.Вопрос 7 Some people say that social media is a waste of time. _______, it can help bring people together to do good things.
On the other hand