Stylistics is the branch of linguistics which studies the principles and effect of choice and usage of different language elements in rendering thought and emotions under different conditions of communication.. Objects of StylisticsStylistics is the branch of linguistics which studies the principles and effect of choice and usage of different language elements in rendering thought and emotions under different conditions of communication. Stylistics concerns with suchissues as: 1. the aesthetic function of the language – it’s animmanent part (=present in all parts of the universe) of all works of art – poetry, imaginative prose, diplomatic or commercial correspondence & many other types of texts. 2. expressive means in the language – are mostly used in types of speech and aim to affect reader or listener: poetry, fiction, informal intercourse but rarely in technical texts or business language. 3. Thanks to the possibility of choice we can use synonymous ways of rendering one and the same idea. This way styles are formed. With the change of wording a change in meaning takes place inevitably. 4. emotional colouring of words and sentences creates a certain stylistic effect & makes a text either a highly lyrical piece of description or a satirical derision(=ridicule) with a different stylistic value. But not all texts are marked by this quality. 5. a system of special devices called stylistic devices. The style of anything is formed by the combination of features peculiar to it. Whatever we say or write, hear or read is not the style itself but has a style and demonstrates stylistic features. 6. splitting of the literary language into separate systems called style. There are sublanguages or varieties of languages e.g. slang, barbarisms, taboo, etc. 7. the interrelation between language & thought. When the form is changed, a change in content takes place. The author’s intention & the forms he uses as well as the reader’s interpretation of it is the subject of a special branch called decoding stylistics. 8. the individual manner of an author in making use of the language. 3. Objects of Stylistics 3.1 Functional Stylistics (FS) It studies functional styles – special sublanguages or varieties of the national language such as scientific, colloquial, business, publicist and so on. Stylistic Lexicology studies the semantic structure and interrelation of the connotative & denotative meanings of the word, and interrelation of the stylistic connotations of the word & context. Stylistic Phoneticsis engaged in the study of style-forming phonetic features of the text (prosodic features, variants of pronunciation in different types of speech).