Read the statements and decide if they are true or false. If they are false – correct them.
Is smoking dangerous?
One of the most common problems today all over the world is smoking. It kills about 3 million people every year. The effects of smoking are numerous and often deadly. Being aware of the dangers of smoking, many people tend tokeep smoking. So, does smoking lead to healthissues? Firstly, smoking a cigarette involves inhaling a complex set of elements including gases and tar. Other products such as nicotine, ammonia, acetone, cyanide can be found at the great amount in just one cigarette, which can cause a range of serious c health problems, including lungdiseases and cancer. The statistics show that 30% of all cancer deaths are caused by smoking whereas some people are non smokers, they are involved in passive smoking. Furthermore, children under 5 years old are more likely to get health issues because of the effects of passive smoking. Secondly, nicotine is considered to be a powerful drug. This drug is extremely addictive. As people inhale, it gets into the bloodstream and affects the heart along with blood pressure. Cigarette smoke clogs our lungs up making them dirty. That causes bronchitis, asthma and oral cancer, even if person is a passive smoker. Finally, the mostharmful thing about smoking is the effects for pregnant women and unborn children. Smoking by mothers-to-be can be very harmful to their unborn babies. In other words, smoking while pregnancy leads to an increased risk of miscarriage, stillborn babies and complications after the birth. What is more, children in a smoking family are more likely to have mental disorders and to develop more slowly during childhood.
Read the statements and decide if they are true or false. If they are false – correct them. 1) Smoking has few effects which are rarely deadly. 2) Even though many people are aware of the dangers of smoking, they tend to keep smoking. 3) Smoking a cigarette doesn’t involve inhaling a complex set of elements such as gases and tar. 4) 30% of all cancer deaths are caused by smoking. 5) Nicotine isn’t considered to be a powerful, addictive drug. 6) Nicotine affects the heart along with blood pressure. 7) Cigarette smoke clogs our lungs up making them clean. 8) Smoking by mothers-to-be can/t be harmful to their unborn babies and can’t cause any problems. 9) Children in a smoking family are more likely to have mental disorders and to develop more slowly during childhood. 10) Passive smoking doesn’t have any negative effects on our health.