THE GOSPEL OF JOHN ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 10 из 10
NAME: Elena Curova BIB 201 Introduction to the Bible THE GOSPEL OF JOHN Special Study Sheet
1. Read Chapters 1, 2 and 3:1-21 in John. Using the following outline, give titles (2 or 3 words) to each section and name a 'theme' for each section:
I. 1:1-51:
A. v. 1-5, 10-14: Title: 'the word was with God'. Theme: God come in manhood. He also was the light, coming into and shining in this dark world. Main themes are also life and truth. B. v. 6-9, 19-34: Title: Witness of the light. Theme: John’s testimony: negative of John and positive of Jesus. The theme of the Lamb of God.
C. v. 35-51: Title: First Disciples. Theme: Faith, revelation. Jesus reveals himself to the first disciples.
II. 2: 1-12 Title: Miracles continue. Theme: The joy that the Lord gives increases: the good wine is served last. On a practical note: which joy do you / we seek?
III. 2: 13-25 Title: announcement of death and resurrection. Theme: Christ emphasises that, in fact, the One whom they challenge is none other but God dwelling among them as man.
IV. 3: 1-21 Title: Necessity of new birth. Theme: Hopelessly lost. Jesus refuses to 'teach flesh'. Jesus is the answer to all problems.
2. What similarities with the Gospel of Mark do you see in these first chapters of John's gospel? Similar is the part when Jesus is baptized by john and where he is appointing his first disciples.
Who are the main characters in these first three chapters? John the Baptist, Philip, Nathanael, Jesus, First disciples, Nicodemus (Pharisee), crowd.
What topics or issues seem to be emphasized? The main issue that seems to be emphasized in the Gospel of John is that Jesus was and is the Son of God and God Himself.
3. If we take 20:31 to be the stated purpose of the author, then how does each of these opening episodes contribute to achieving that purpose? What is the 'belief' that is being called forth from 1st century listeners/readers of this gospel? In other words, how does John seem to be defining ‘belief’? “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”
(over) 4. John's gospel contains seven miracle stories (called ‘signs’) and seven times, Jesus uses the phrase, "I AM…" Using the following to guide you, skim each passage listed and label the passages with a 'theme'.