II. CommunicationII. Communication Прослушайте аудиозапись слов и текста “My Working Day”, отчитайте за диктором, делая паузы. Выполните задания к тексту. (Cсылка: https://pspu.ru/university/fakultety-i-instituty/inostrannyh- jazykov/kafedry/kafedra-romano-germanskih-jazykov-i-mezhkulturnoj- kommunikacii/metodicheskije-materialy-dla-studentov/audirovanije) Активный словарь I come from – я родом из… correspondence department – заочное отделение twice a year – дважды в год day-off – выходной to arrive at – приезжать, приходить duty – обязанность, долг have to – должен to mark – проверять to prepare for – готовиться к though [ðou] – хотя on my way home – по дороге домой to do some shopping – делать покупки to wait for – ждать just talk – просто разговариваем to fail exams – завалить экзамены to work hard at – упорно трудиться to search for – искать necessary ['nesəs(ə)rɪ] – необходимый to write a report – писать доклад a course [kɔ:s] paper – курсовая работа a library ['laɪbr(ə)rɪ] – библиотека do one’s best – стараться to combine [kəm'baɪn] – сочетать still – все равно to look forward ['fɔːwəd] to – с нетерпением ждать a job – работа useful – полезный to get experience – получать опыт My Working Day Let me introduce myself. My name is Ann and I am 25 years old. I come from Berezniki but now I live and work in Perm. I work at school as a teacher. I am also a student of a correspondence department. I study at Perm Pedagogical University. I have examination sessions twice a year. I always go to my work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I don’t go to school on Saturday and Sunday. These are my days-off. I usually arrive at work at eight o’clock though my working day begins at 8.30. I usually have four classes a day and many other duties. You know, teachers have to work not only with children but with their parents, write plans and other documents, discuss educational problems with their colleagues. I also spend a lot of time marking exercise books and preparing for the next lesson. I leave school at about 4 o’clock in the afternoon. On my way home I do some shopping and walk a little. At home I cook dinner and wait for my parents. When they come from work, we have dinner together. Then we sit in the living room, drink tea, watch TV or just talk. As I’m a student and don’t want to fail my exams I work hard at my lessons. I do them in the evening. I read a lot, search for the necessary information in the Internet, write reports or a course paper. Sometimes at the weekends I go to the library. I really do my best. I must say that it isn’t easy to combine work and learning. But still I always look forward to my next working day because I like my job and my study. I think I’m getting a lot of useful experience. Составьте предложения с помощью следующих слов и выражений. Используйте выражения in the morning/ afternoon/ evening, then, also, after that, occasionally. Get up at 7 o’clock; do morning exercises, wash, dress and do (one’s) hair; have (for) breakfast; leave the house at … o’clock; go by bus /on foot; (it) takes (me) … minutes; come on time / be late; begin at 9.30 (half past 9) a.m.; have dinner at the canteen; be over /finish at 5 p.m.; come home at 6 p.m.; watch the news, work on the computer; prepare for classes; listen to music a little; take a shower / a bath; go to bed at … o’clock. Ответьте на следующие вопросы о вашем рабочем дне: 1. What is your job? Where do you work? 2. How do you get to your work? How much time does it take to get there? 3. What days of the week do you work? What are your days-off? 4. What time do you usually get up? What do you do in the morning? 5. When does your working day begin? 6. What do you do at work? What are your usual duties? 7. Are you a full-time or an external student? 8. What is your future profession? 9. Is it difficult for you to combine work and study? 10. What do you do to be successful? Расскажите о себеи о своем рабочем дне. В качестве источника информации используйте вопросы задания 2 раздела Communication (с. 8), текст “My Working Day” и задания после текста.