Variant 9Variant 9 Test 1. What parameters of water can’t be improved after settling of water: A. Organoleptic parameters B. Chemical parameters C. Bacteriological parameters D. Content of Nitrogen E. Content of phenol substances
Test 2. Filtration of water don’t improve parameters of water : A. Organoleptic parameters B. Chemical parameters C. Bacteriological parameters D. Content of Nitrogen E. Content of phenol substances
Test 3. The main parameters of atmospheric waters: A. high mineralization B. low mineralization C. high pollution D. low pollution E. changeable source
Test 4. Physical methods of desinfection of water: А. Boiling В. Clearing С. Chlorination D. Influence γ-rays Е. Irradiation UV-rays
Test 5. Chemical methods of desinfection of water: А. Boiling В. Ozonization С. Chlorination D. Influence of γ-rays Е. Processing by silver
Test 6. What parameters is used for control effectiveness of chlorination? А. Contents of iron В. Microbe number С. Coli-index D. Residual chlorine Е. Contents of nitrates in water
Test 7. Ways of water purification: А. Chlorination В. Settling С. Filtration D. Оzonization Е. Coagulation
Test 8. Name substances using for coagulation: А. Chlorine В. Chloric iron С. Aluminium sulfate D. Iron sulfate E.Fluorine
Test 9. When a hyperchlorination of drinking water is used ? A. Very dirty water B. Subsoil water C.Danger of water epidemic D. Artesian water E.Water contain of phenols
Test 10. What parts of chlorine-absorbility of water do you know? А. Chlorine connection with organic pollution of water В. Chlorine connection with bacterial pollution of water С. dissolved nitrogen D. dissolved oxygen E. general rigidity