Variant 6Variant 6 Test 1. What kind of water source is used for drinking purpose more often ? Give only one correct answer. A. Undergraund water B. Atmospheric water C. Surface water D. Distilled sea water E. Water between impevious strata
Test 2. What kind of water-supply sources is the most dirty? Give only one correct answer. A. Undergraund water-supply B. Atmospheric water-supply C. Surface water-supply D. Distilled sea water-supply
Test 3. Name decentralized system of water-supply? A. Water pipe B. Wells C. Distillation of water D. Boiling of water E.Does not exist
Test 4. Physical methods of water’s disinfection: A. Ozonization B. Double chlorination C. Boiling D. Ultraviolet irradiation E. Ordinary chlorination
Test 5. When chlorination with preammonification of drinking water is used ? A. Very dirty water B. Subsoil water C. Underground inter–layer water D. Artesian water E.Water with phenols substances
Test 6. Methods of organoleptic properties of water’s improvement: A. Purification of water B. Decontamination C. Neutralisation D. Decrease of iron ions E .Disinfection of water
Test 7. Normal concentration of residual Chlorine in water (rng/l) after simple chlorination . A. 0.1 – 0.2 B. 0.2 – 0.3 C. 0.3 – 0.5 D. 0.4 – 0.7 E. 0.6 – 0.8 Test 8. Directindexes of epidemic hazard of water: A. Organoleptic parameters B. Chemical parameters C. Bacteriological parameters D. Nitrogen’s content E. Oxygen’s content
Test 9. What parameters of water are improved after filtration of water? A. Organoleptic parameters B. Chemical parameters C. Bacteriological parameters D. Contents of the Nitrogen E. Contents of the Oxygen in water Test 10. What is the chlorine necessity of water? A. general rigidity of water + residual chlorine B. eliminated rigidity of water + residual chlorine C. eliminated rigidity of water + not eliminated rigidity of water D. absorbing chlorine + residual chlorine E. absorbing chlorine + general rigidity of water