Variant 8Variant 8 Test 1 . The main parameters of surface waters: A. middle mineralization B. high mineralization C. high pollution D. high total microbe number E. low total microbe number
Test 2. After desinfection of drinking water with UV rays organoleptic properties of water: A. are improved; B. are worsened; C. don’t be changed D.become yellow E. become dark
Test 3. The greatest stability to environmental factors has: A. pathogenic bacteria; B. conditional-pathogenic bacteria; C. vira. D.E.coli bacteria E. dysentery bacteria
Test 4. What is the advantage of ozone usage for desinfection of drinking water in comparison with chlorinasation : A. improvement of organoleptic property of water; B. improvement of bacterioligical property of water & increased time of contact C. improvement of organoleptic property of water, less time of contact D. more effectiveness E. desinfection of drinking water from pathogenic protozoa.
Test 5. Ozone as a reagent for treatment of water has ( in comparison with chlorine ): A. greater bactericidal activity, improvement of organoleptic property of water B. greater bactericidal activity & worsening of organoleptic property of water C. less bactericidal activity & improving organoleptic property of water D. less bactericidal activity & worsening organoleptic property of water E. strengthening of chlorine activity
Test 6. What should be total microbe number of drinking water? A.400 B.200 C.300 D.100 E. 500
Test 7. What parameters show a degree of clearing of drinking water? A.color B.coli-index C.residual chlorine D.turbidity E.taste
Test 8. What parameters of water are improved after settling of water? A. Organoleptic parameters B. Chemical parameters C. Bacteriological parameters D. Content of Nitrogen E. Content of Oxygen
Test 9. Name centralized system of water-supply? A. Water pipe B. Wells C. Distilled water D. Boiled water E.Does not exist Test 10. Contents of free residual chlorine in water (mg/l) after simple chlorination: А. 0,1-0,2 В. 0,3-0,5 С. 0,6-0,8 D. 0,9-1,0 E. 0.5-0.8