Equation. Conduct. Conclusion. PrimaryEquation / ɪˈkweɪ ʒən / (n) a mathematics statement in which two expressions are equal; a complicated situation or issue ● The southern states will be an important part of the election equation. ● My math tutor helped me solve this equation. ● Helping a troubled teenager is more difficult when drugs are in the equation.
Other words in this family: equate, equated, equates, equating, equations
Conduct verb / kənˈdʌkt / (v) to plan and do something ● I like the way the company conducts business. ● So we have given them the green light to go and conduct research studies. ● Please conduct yourselves in a professional manner once the meeting starts. noun / ˈkɑn dʌkt / (n) the way that a person behaves in a particular place or situation ● Eating while teaching is not considered to be professional conduct. ● You've held yourselves to a high code of conduct. ● If they turn the problem over to student conduct, the student may be prosecuted.
Other words in this family: conducted, conducting, conducts
Conclusion / kənˈklu ʒən / (n) a final decision or judgment; the last part of something ● After thinking about it, we came to the conclusion that we shouldn't buy the tickets; they were just too expensive. ● That brings us to your conclusion, which I’d like to ask some questions about. ● The final conclusion is an optimistic one.
Other words in this family: conclude, concludes, concluding, conclusions, conclusive, conclusively, inconclusive, inconclusively
Primary / ˈpraɪ mɛr i, -mə ri / (adj) most important, basic, or essential; happening or coming first ● Your safety is our primary concern. ● The company’s primary responsibility is to manage retirement benefits for public employees. ● Primary education is free in the US, but it is of tremendously variable quality.
Other words in this family: primarily