Obtained. Consumer. Chapter. Journal. AppropriateObtained / əbˈteɪnd / (v) to gain or get something usually by effort ● The information may be difficult to obtain. ● After 10 years in and out of culinary school and working in more than 15 restaurants, I've obtained a lot of knowledge about food. ● This is data that I've obtained through a lawsuit against the University of California.
Other words in this family: obtain, obtainable, obtaining, obtains, unobtainable
Consumer / kənˈsu məɹ / (n) a person who buys goods and services ● Many consumers are still not comfortable making purchases on the Internet. ● The seafood industry can track the seafood from the boat to the plate to make sure that the consumer can then find out where their seafood came from. ● I got to experience one of the coolest autonomous vehicles at the Consumer Electronics Show, which happens every year in January in Las Vegas.
Other words in this family: consume, consumed, consumers, consumes, consuming, consumption
Chapter / ˈtʃæp tər, ˈtʃæp dər / (n) one of the main sections of a book; a period of time that is very different from the period of time before it ● Please read the first two chapters of your textbook before our next class. ● This chapter in our life has ended, so how do we move forward? ● In their most recent chapters of business, these banks have made some really bad decisions.
Other words in this family: chapters
Journal / ˈdʒɜɹ nəl / (n) a book in which you write down your personal experiences and thoughts; a newspaper or magazine that reports on things of special interest ● My mom subscribes to the Wall Street Journal. ● Oprah likes to keep a gratitude journal and says it's the single most important thing she's ever done. ● Weston is published in every journal you can imagine. (v) to write down personal experiences and thoughts ● I journal about the meaning of my dreams. ● My therapist asked me to journal about my experiences. ● We’ve been journaling on this blog now for 12 years; I love looking back and seeing what we’ve done and how our family has grown.
Other words in this family: journals
Text / tɛkst / (n) the original words of a piece of writing or a speech ● You can find the full text of his speech on his website. ● We’re going to read some texts in feminist theory and have some conversations about them. ● Please use footnotes; I want your citations in the body of the text. (v) to send someone a text message ● We were texting for an hour last night. ● If it’s urgent, call me because I don’t always text back immediately. ● You can text “STOP” to block future marketing messages.
Other words in this family: texts, textual
Quiz D (Days 16-20)
For each box, match the word on the left to its definition on the right. Use each word only once.
For Quiz answers and explanations, see the end of the document. Days 21-25 Appropriate adjective / əˈpɹoʊ pɹi ɪt / (adj) right or suited for some purpose or situation ● A movie with a lot of violence is not appropriate for young children. ● Applause is appropriate after the speaker finishes. ● Some plants are not appropriate for very hot climates. verb /əˈpɹoʊ pɹiˌeɪt / (v) to get or save (money) for a specific use or purpose; to take or use something illegally or unfairly ● The town has appropriated funds to repair the bridge and work should begin this summer. ● Elements of the design were appropriated from other architects. ● The economy has been weakened by corrupt officials who have appropriated the country's resources for their own use.
Other words in this family: appropriacy, appropriately, appropriateness, inappropriacy, inappropriate, inappropriately