Consequences. Previous. DistinctionConsequences / ˈkɑn sɪ kwən sɪz / (n) something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions ● You should carefully consider the consequences of making a career change. ● Stress has physiological consequences. ● We're now living with the consequences of that decision.
Other words in this family: consequent, consequence, consequently
Previous / ˈpɹi vi əs / (adj) existing or happening before the present time ● She has a child from a previous marriage. ● In both of your previous books, you talk directly about the Italian-American experience. ● This year, we have a much more diverse group than in previous years.
Other words in this family: previously
Final / ˈfaɪn əl / (adj) happening or coming at the end; used to say that something will not be changed or done again ● They won their final four games. ● All sales are final; no exchanges or refunds are permitted. ● The final piece of the puzzle came into place in 2016.
Other words in this family: finality, finalize, finalized, finalizes, finalizing, finally, finals
Distinction / dɪˈstɪŋk ʃən / (n) a difference that you can see, hear, smell, feel; the separation of people or things into different groups ● These dogs are different breeds, but the distinctions are hard to see. ● They may recognize more the distinction between a candidate's public life and their personal life. ● There are no obvious distinctions between the two designs.
Other words in this family: distinct, distinctions, distinctive, distinctively, distinctly, indistinct, indistinctly
Items / ˈaɪ dəmz / (n) objects, things, individual ideas ● NASA allows crew members to carry a limited number of personal items during the flight. ● Why don't you sit down with kids and give them four items, a red shirt, a blue tie, a kangaroo and a laptop, and have them tell a story about those four things? ● The museum has more than 50,000 items in collections.
Other words in this family: item, itemization, itemize, itemized, itemizes, itemizing