Questions 1 – 8. Questions 9 – 16
Student Name
Test 7
Time 30 minutes
INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so. Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully. Answer all the questions. Write your answers on the question paper.
INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS There are five parts to the test. Part 1 is a listening part. All questions carry one mark. There are 40 questions.
© UCLES 2015
Part 1
Questions 1 – 8
You will hear eight short sentences. For each one, choose the best reply. You will hear each sentence twice.
1 A What a relief. B Oh, dear. Really? C No, I don't think so.
2 A Phew, that's good to hear. B Yes, I had a broken leg. C No, I don't think so.
3 A I feel exhausted. B Are you taking anything for the pain? C Well, I usually go to the gym after work.
4 A What a relief. B Yes, I've got a cold. C Sure, Doctor.
5 A I can't get to sleep. B Here, in this area. C I feel sick.
6 AWhen did this problem start? B What does it do? C I've taken some aspirin.
7 A He's gone to the chemist. B It really hurts when I walk. C No, I don't think so.
8 A Where does it hurt? B Do you do any exercise? C Can I have a look?
Part 2 Questions 9 – 16
Read the sentences about changes. Choose the missing wordA,Bor C for each space.
9People often join a gym to ............ weight.
Afall B miss C lose
10An old friend from school got in ............ with me last week.
Awell B touch C together
11In her first job, Alice got to ............ some important people.
A know B talk C find
12Tom is a big man and often acts in roles as men who are slightly ............ .
Agreat B full C overweight
13Don't stay in that job because you will never ............ rich.
A get B make C bring
14People who eat cakes every day often ............ on weight.
Aget B take C put
15If you smoke 15 cigarettes a day, I think you're a ............ smoker now.
Aregular B busy C general
16They're so proud because their daughter's just got a ............ at Oxford University.
Apoint B place C part