Part 5 Questions 33 – 40. BLANK PAGE. BLANK PAGEPart 5 Questions 33 – 40
Here are some sentences about the arts and music. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.
33JK Rowling wrote seven books about Harry Potter.
The seven Harry Potter books was written JK Rowling.
34Someone stole the museum's most famous painting in 1931.
The museum's most famous painting was stolen in 1931.
35Michelangelo didn't paint the Mona Lisa.
The Mona Lisa wasn’t painted Michelangelo.
36When did JK Rowling start writing novels?
How has JK Rowling been a writer of novels?
37Nigel's love of music started when he was a young child.
Nigel has been love since he was a young child.
38They performed the play for the first time in 1858.
The play have been performing for the first time in 1858.
39Peter became a professional musician in 2003.
Peter's been a professional musician since 2003.
40Maria was a teenager when she became an actor.
Maria has been an actor since she was a teenager.