Common expressions. Synonyms for style
Common expressions
fashionable = someone who wears the newest clothes “That style of jeans isn’t very fashionable.” (Opposite – unfashionable / out of fashion) in = if something is “in”, it’s fashionable “Are skinny jeans still in?” a la mode = a French phrase to mean fashionable “Vintage fashion is very a la mode at the moment.” trendy (noun = trend) = fashionable “All her daughters are very trendy.” the latest (from the catwalk / runway) = the most recent fashion (from the fashion shows, and modelled on the catwalk / runway) “I like keeping up with the lastest fashions.” all the rage = currently very fashionable “It’s all the rage to wear your trousers very low on your waist.” fashion victim = someone who follows fashion but doesn’t think about if it looks good on them “Why did she get those boots? They’re horrible! I think she’s a bit of a fashion victim.”
Synonyms for style
stylish = with style “He wore a very stylish waistcoat.” chic = elegant “Parisian women always look so chic.” classy = showing sophisticated taste (not just for clothes) “She always wears classy jewellery – nothing you can find in the usual high street jewellers.” snazzy = stylish “I like your new shoes. Very snazzy!” a snappy dresser = a person who dresses with great attention to detail and who looks good “Colin is a very snappy dresser. He always looks very well presented.” have a sense of style = know what makes you look good and stylish “Carla has such a good sense of style. She always looks fabulous.” a style icon = someone who is well known for their sense of style (and who people want to copy) “Audrey Hepburn is a style icon for millions of women.” to scrub up well = to look good when you make an effort with smart clothes “I think we’ve scrubbed up pretty well for the wedding!”