Questions for a credit in philosophy (Part I) ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Questions for a credit in philosophy (Part I)
1. Questions from General lectures: 1) Definition of philosophy 2) Principle philosophic movements: materialism, idealism, sensualism, rationalism, irrationalism. 3) The essence of the person. Biological and social in human development. 4) The meaning and purpose of human existence. 5) Methodological difficulties of the study of consciousness. 6) Consciousness and its origin 7) The structure of cognition: subject, object of cognition and the subject matter. 8) The structure of cognition: ways and means of cognition. 9) The structure of cognition: forms and levels of cognition. 10) The structure of cognition: the result of cognition (absolute truth, relative truth, aberration). 11) Levels of scientific methodology (in descending order) 12) Classification of methods of scientific cognition: the list of empirical methods. 13) Classification of methods of scientific cognition: the list of theoretical methods. 14) Ontology and category of being. 15) Basic forms of being. 16) Attributes of matter (space, time, motion) 17) Substantial and relational concepts of "space-time"
Topics of lectures: 1. Introductoin philosophy 2. Philosophical anthropology 3. Сonsciousness 4. Epistemology 5. Scientific_cognition_and_methodology 6. Being_Basic_forms_of_being 7. Matter
The second part of the questions (on the history of philosophy), look at our page in VK!!!