The second part of questions to offsetThe second part of questions to offset (on the materials of the seminar sessions) 1. Milesian school of presocratic period of Greek Philosophy. Philosophy of Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes. 2. Atomist school of presocratic period of Greek Philosophy. Philosophy of Democritus. 3. A classical Greek philosopher Plato. His theory of forms, the nature of the soul and the doctrine of the state (Republic). 4. The division of the schools of Indian philosophy into orthodox and heterodox. List and describe orthodox schools. 5. Philosophy of Confucius. Confucian goal and values. Taoist sage Chuang Tzu and his parable of the butterfly. 6. Peculiarities and principle characteristics of the Middle Ages philosophy and two periods of its development. 7. The main features of the Renaissance philosophy. Philosophy of nature (Nicolas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei and their ideas). 8. Philosophy of the New Age. The dispute between empiricism and rationalism. The first principle of Descartes' philosophy. 9. Immanuel Kant - the founder of German classical philosophy. His ideas and books. Kant’sCategorical imperative. 10. Post-classical European philosophy. Friedrich Nietzsche, his philosophical views, aesthetics and ethics. 11. Existentialism, its representatives and basic ideas (six main points). 12. Russian cosmism, its representatives and their ideas.