VOCABULARY LIST. HISTORIANS, 2nd year, 1nd GROUP⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 22 из 22 VOCABULARY LIST HISTORIANS, 2nd year, 1nd GROUP
1. Gold fever / gold rush 2. To discover 3. Discovery 4. To contribute 5. Resident 6. To trickle (into) 7. To destroy 8. To catch someone’s eye 9. To make a statement 10. To declare 11. To descend (on the country) 12. To mortgage 13. To borrow 14. To band 15. Joint stock company 16. To collapse 17. To alter one’s vision 18. Opportunity 19. To make money 20. To make sense 21. To make a mess 22. To take a chance 23. To take a risk 24. To take advantage 25. To benefit 26. To make a fortune 27. To escape 28. To own 29. To intend 30. Intention 31. Laws of supply and demand 32. (Religious) persecution 33. To escape religious persecution 34. To refuse 35. To capitalize 36. To be in the way 37. To arrive 38. On arrival 39. Mormons 40. Agriculture 41. Agricultural 42. Gold fields 43. To triple 44. Tiny population 45. To recognize 46. A gap in the market 47. To dig 48. Digger 49. Shovels 50. Picks 51. Pans 52. To corner the market 53. To lose a fortune 54. To lead to downfall 55. Before Christ (BC) 56. Anno Domini (AD) 57. To withdraw 58. Tribe 59. Angles 60. Saxons 61. Jutes 62. To settle 63. Settle 64. To resist 65. To put up fierce resistance 66. Resistance 67. To take over 68. To invade 69. Invader 70. To spread Christianity 71. To convert 72. Pagan 73. The Viking Raids 74. To have impact 75. (Cultural) impact 76. To influence 77. Influence 78. Disruption 79. Gender 80. Ending 81. To lead to 82. Norman Conquest 83. To conquer 84. Conqueror 85. Bible 86. Printing press 87. To emerge 88. To (dis)appear 89. Vowels 90. Consonants 91. Relations 92. To settle down 93. Settler 94. To defeat 95. The Battle of Hastings 96. Kingdom 97. Renaissance 98. Revival of education 99. Adventure 100. Common people 101. Dominant classes 102. To survive 103. Survival 104. Piped water 105. Private property 106. To show off 107. Value 108. Inn 109. Gambling 110. Household 111. Mayor 112. Lawyer 113. To turn into slave 114. Slave 115. Convict 116. Affair 117. Severe punishment 118. Self-defence 119. Ancestor 120. (Barbaric) tribes 121. Expansion (of the British Empire) 122. Enormous (economic power) 123. Lingua franca 124. Degree of fluency 125. To spread 126. To establish 127. Permanent (English speakers’) settlement 128. Distinctive (language) 129. Founder 130. Prisoner 131. To send away 132. Cockney 133. To borrow 134. Borrowed words 135. Maori 136. Treaty 137. Minor crimes 138. Inalienable rights 139. Equal 140. To create 141. Self-evident 142. Liberty / Life / Pursuit of happiness 143. To mark 144. To dominate 145. Domination 146. Tax 147. Rebel 148. To represent 149. Mother country 150. To set fire 151. Easy fortune 152. Antislavery (policy) 153. Cause of war 154. Bloody affair 155. Event 156. Massacre 157. To be in action 158. To change drastically 159. To prohibit 160. Prohibition 161. Manufacture 162. (Il)legal 163. Sale 164. Rise 165. Crash 166. To lead 167. Economic depression 168. Poverty 169. Unemployment 170. To take place on the world stage 171. Troops 172. To force 173. Black Civil Rights Movement 174. To assassinate 175. Mystery 176. To remain a mystery 177. To surround 178. Golden Age 179. To undergo 180. Search for truth 181. Systematic study of the world 182. Playwright 183. To culminate 184. Magnificent 185. To flourish 186. Temple 187. To undertake 188. To start with 189. To afford 190. Trading centre 191. Mediterranean 192. To provide 193. Leisure 194. Goods 195. To conduct 196. Metics 197. Foreigner 198. To play a vital role 199. To be in a period of transition 200. To be equal by law 201. Direct democracy 202. To take major political decisions 203. (Urban / aristocratic) society 204. At the same time 205. To move away 206. Ancient (myths) 207. Belief in human nature 208. Frenzy of creativity 209. Outstanding 210. Be the cradle of smth. 211. Artists 212. To aim 213. Splendour 214. Breathtaking 215. To achieve 216. (Cultural) achievements 217. Medieval world 218. Middle Ages 219. To develop 220. Development 221. Accounting 222. To be in a state of flux 223. To go up and down socially 224. Art 225. Works of art 226. Merchants 227. Increase in number 228. To improve 229. Literacy rate 230. Explosion of creativity 231. Amateur 232. Amateur recreation 233. To entertain 234. Entertainment 235. To attract 236. To distract 237. Audiences 238. To satisfy the demand 239. Insatiable demand 240. To cause 241. The burst if literary activity 242. To undergo dramatic changes 243. To look for 244. Rich 245. Poor 246. Masterpiece 247. Masterful 248. Celebrities 249. To inspire 250. Inspiration 251. Landmarks 252. To think over 253. To rock a baby 254. To come on smb. 255. Equation 256. To be aware of 257. Recent developments 258. Nuclear bomb 259. To research 260. To work on one’s own 261. Mould-breaking 262. Unbelievable amount (of energy) 263. Theory of relativity 264. To vary 265. To move in slow motion 266. Painstakingly 267. To observe 268. Observation 269. Nebulae 270. Patches of light 271. Light year 272. Speed of light 273. To prove 274. Far-reaching 275. Findings 276. Mould 277. To destroy 278. Unassuming 279. To involve 280. To be involved 281. Accuracy 282. Artillery shells 283. To measure 284. To weigh 285. To consume 286. To go dim 287. Ground-breaking 288. Living things 289. Genome for human beings 290. Time-consuming 291. Data 292. To cure hereditary illnesses 293. Promising 294. Breakthrough 295. Science 296. Scientist 297. Scientific 298. To succeed 299. Success 300. Successful